Thursday, January 2, 2014

What a buzz!

I can't believe how great I felt today! I got such a buzz off of yesterday's activities that I flew threw most of my things to do today with ease. I walked the dogs in the rain this afternoon, took care of some business for my family and completed my errands and none of it seems like a big deal. Also of note, things seemed to be going my way today. I seemed to be in the right place at the right time.
Kung fu things that I did today was recording my acts of kindness, tai chi, and dragon dance. I probably should have worn my pedometer when I had the dogs out so that I could record it. I will do that next time. I decided that my legs and my abs could use a little break, moving was little uncomfortable as everything felt stiff and sore. At first I thought that I needed to work those same muscles again and then I remembered that it is smart to take a day off and rest those really sore muscles so that is what I decided to do.

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