Sunday, December 27, 2009


Being a mom is one of my most privileged roles. I am often star struck by the unconditional love and support that I receive from my daughter. It seems that even if I think that I have royally messed up, she can find a silver lining and a lesson learned. To her, it doesn't matter what I wear, how my hair is cut or what my physical fitness level is at, I am the mom that she loves.

So I have taken the template and applied it to my own mom, and it fits. It doesn't matter about all the stuff that has passed or the decisions made, it matters that she is my mom and I love her.

Sometimes, I see moms treating their children a certain way and I feel sorry for the child and wish that they had a mom that loved them more. Silly me!!! That child doesn't look at their mom the way I do and wish she would change. They look at their mom the same way that I look at mine, with love and acceptance. They don't have anyone to compare their mom to, they just know and love one mom and that is all there is to it.

I think that as adults, sometimes, we are too quick to judge each other and give advice on how to be a better person. I think that we need to look to our children for a template on love and understanding, then we may be on to something.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Patience and progressing wisely

This is an easy concept to explain to someone. It is not the easiest thing to live. Last week, I started to push myself a little bit, just to see what I could do. That was a mistake. I hurt my knee, alienated the muscles in my shoulders and wore myself out.
So now, I am paying attention to how I move and doing it slowly. I am still getting tired but not as so that I have to have a major sleep. I think that I may learn more about how I move if I continue to do so slowly and without tasking my muscles.
I have been working on my goals for UBBT 7 and there are still not quite there but getting closer. On some of them I am not sure how to word them, on others, I have no idea how to measure them. I am getting there and have no doubt that it will come together in the next ten days.
I attended my first Sihing class on Friday and could not help feeling excited throughout the whole class. I truely missed the intensity of that class, it is not the same sitting on the bench. I did learn lots of things that I may have missed if I would have been on the mats. I got to observe how other people recieve new information and I got to watch how the teachers changed their explanation each time to help different learners. It was a very valuable experience.
I continue to use self talk to stay patience with myself and I am trying very hard to progress wisely. That is all I can do for now.
Sihing Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu
Stony Plain, AB, Canada

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Christmas time

I Love Christmas!!!!! Everything about Christmas warms my heart. I love spending time with friends and family. I love decorating the tree and wrapping presents to put under it. I love spending time finding the right gift and imagining how they will look when they unwrap it. I love holiday baking; the smell of the kitchen, the decorating, the story telling about Christmas's past, giving away precious gifts of home baked goodies to show appreciation and caring. I love how the tree smells and how that smell greets you when you walk in the door and makes all your troubles seem trivial. I love sending Christmas cards to friends and family and I love receiving them. I love decorating the tree with my family and laughing and talking about all of our shared Christmases. I love cooking Christmas dinner and sharing it with my family. I love preparing my house for guests. I usually feel rushed and nervous before I start my holiday preparations and then once I start then I am excited and confident that all will fall into place as it should.

What I especially love about the Christmas season is that it seems to give everyone permission to express Good Will Toward Man. It seems like everyone is just a little bit nicer and a little bit more forgiving. It always gives me hope that these warm feeling can be carried throughout the year. About five years ago, I found myself hoping and wishing for this feeling throughout the year. I stopped myself and realized that there was nothing that I can not do, so I set about continueing the feeling. I was determined to pay attention to what I was doing and how I was feelling, pay attention to the people around me and show appreciation for others in an authentic manner. It has been an interesting journey, I have had to remind myself several times that I was falling into old habits. I am pleased that this happens less often and most often I feel Good Will Towards Men. When I made a committment to complete three Acts of Kindness each day, it played into a direction that I was already heading in and didn't really have a label for. I believe that it has improved my feelings of goodness towards others and increased my awareness of how we affect each other on a day to day basis. I am looking forward to further growth in this area as it is again one of my goals to complete three Acts of Kindness each day.

Merry Christmas Everyone
Robyn Kichko
Silent River Kung Fu - Stony Plain

Friday, December 4, 2009


Here I Am

This is me. My name is Robyn Kichko and I am one of Sifu Brinker's student members for UBBT 7 - Live Like a Champion. I have been studying Kung Fu at Silent River Kung Fu for nearly 7 years and I am really excited to be a part of the team. I am looking forward to the many challenges and a few obstacles that I will encounter throughout the coming year. I am also looking forward to meeting other martial artists through their blogs on this site. In my blog, I will be chatting about my triumphs and my issues, my awesome family and my ever entertaining pets.

My most recent challenge has been that I can not train, physically. I had bronchitis in October and it damaged my lungs so that I can't breath very well. I am not able to do very much with becoming winded. In the past, I have gotten really frustrated with myself when I can't train because I am sick or injured. This time, all the self talk about being more patient seems to have paid off. I am excited to get back to training but I have managed to keep myself busy with written assignments, and projects that I have always wished that I had more time to do. It is amazing what you can find to do when you can't walk across a room without stopping to breath.

I am looking forward to starting the new year strong and healthy. Until next time.....

Robyn Kichko

Silent River Kung Fu