Monday, May 30, 2011

The Tournament

Yesterday began with some positive self chatter. I was not really sure how the day would go but I decided when I got up that I would face the day with calmness and confidence. Throughout the day, I had to remind myself of this little talk but I did manage to meet my goal to stay calm. I performed everything that I set out to do with more confidence than I ever have before and it was a pretty good feeling.
We had our annual tournament yesterday and it was an amazing day. Right from the very beginning, it felt like we were all going to give 110% of ourselves to make this a great day. We did it! Everyone dug in and helped each other with different tasks and events. I didn't feel like I was competing with anyone but myself and that really contributed to the family like atmosphere that we created.
I have been working with a group of people since October to master a group form presented in an unusual way. Some of the group members had to learn some of the form, some had to remember it and we all had to figure out how to present it in the coolest manner possible. With a lot of guidance from our Sifu, we managed to sift through our self doubts and persevere when we weren't sure that we could pull it off and we did it. While we were performing, it felt like we were moving as one unit, I felt totally connected to each person in the group at the same time. It was the coolest feeling ever! I was so excited that we had accomplished what we came to do that I nearly forgot about the medal presentation. We won the gold. I guess it looked as good as it felt. What an amazing group of people. Sihing Gamble, Mr. Gamble, Miss Donahue, Miss Rice, Miss Topley, Miss VanBokel - my hat is off to you all, you are a shining example of what one can achieve when they set a goal and work towards it through thick and thin.
Congratulations to all who participated in all parts of making this a great day.
Sihing Kichko

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nothing to say

I don't have any profound words to write. I have worked hard this week and I can see that I am making progress. I am enjoying myself and pushing myself all at the same time. Kung Fu is fabulous.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Training really does make you stronger!

Where am I? What am i doing?
My work has pushed me into areas of growth that I would have left alone if I had a choice. I have not only stood up to a bully, I have grown into the supervisor that I have always dreamed of being. It started out as a self protection type of response to the bully and turned into a stronger more confident way of presenting myself. How is this related to my training? Without my training, I think that I would have given up before I started. Throughout my challenges and personal growth, I continually reminded myself where I was and what I was doing. My self talk contained phrases that included, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger! I really had to dig deep and face some of my biggest fears. A few peps talks from my favorite Sifu to face these things head on and I was good to go.
I now face all challenges head on, instead of avoiding and waiting until I had to. I used my training sessions to draw strengths from. Each time I practiced, participated or taught, I felt stronger and more capable than the day before. I used that strength to face the things that I would rather have avoided.
I am currently preparing for our annual tournament, The Tiger Challenge. It is something that I used to face with a bundle of nerves and a dread that is not easy to admit. I was worried about what people would think of my performance and would I measure up. This year I am focusing on my practice and improving each time that I perform. I am looking forward to challenging myself and seeing what everyone else is going to contribute. I am sure there will be some nerves on the morning of the tournament but I am confident that once we get going, I will learn more about myself and how I perform under pressure. That's the whole point of challenges, right?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

My daughter wrote me a poem and apologized for the lack of rhyme, I let her know (with a tear in my eye) that rhyming didn't really matter.
Here it is:
I've known your love since
I was hours old. Now I
bear myself the awesome duty,
or returning your love, not just today
but everyday. The love you
feel for me is always here in
My heart.
by Katie Kichko

Life doesn't get any better that this.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Robyn Kichko

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bits and Pieces

I continue to be on a training high, it seems like each time that I do a form or technique, I discover something new to try, to improve, to fix. I Love It. In all the classes that I attended this week, I learned a little something that I could take away to my training. We had our annual forms seminar yesterday and now I have a whole arsenal of things that I need to pay attention to. They all have to do with the six harmonies and getting my hips and shoulders to work together. I am looking forward to spending some time alone to process all that I learned yesterday and figure out how to put it into practice. I am not sure yet how to listen to my whole body at the same time but I am sure that I can figure it out.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.