Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Here is the first step in the next part of my blogging journey. I am going to blog everyday for the next 396 days. I started blogging in March 2008 and have blogged consistently every week since then. I looked at the blogging requirement for the I Ho Chuan team and noticed that I have been doing the minimum about of blogging for more than five years, I can do better than that!  Since I want to challenge myself over the next year, the next logical step for me is to blog more. I could have made a lofty goal to blog more than I have been but that wouldn't work for me, I need to go hard or go home. So here it begins, me....documenting my journey everyday....
Today, I did 1000 sit ups and 1000 kicks! There was no rhyme or reason to how I got it done, I just kept at it until I was done. I had a plan to do 100 of each every hour for 10 hours and then I would be done. I didn't take into consideration that I had other things to do, life things, hanging with Katie, doing the dishes, making supper, etc. I do that sometimes, make a plan and forget that my other responsibilities can alter that. So one of my goals inside of all my goals this year is to make realistic plans each day and not forget about my other stuff. Until tomorrow.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I look forward to your blogs as I do check my reading list daily. :)