Monday, January 6, 2014

Creating a routine!

I woke up early and half my brain was ready to get going, the other half wanted more sleep. I split the difference, laid there for a bit and then got busy. I had a busy but productive day and even managed a small nap (which I love!). My kicks are looking like I've been working on them, I have really been concentrating on perfect technique and making it repeatable. I have also been working on my Tai Chi demo, which I changed on the weekend, I'm trying to make it my own...all I can say so far is...hmmmm.
I had a guitar lesson today and I am more and more excited about my progress. I learned some more cords and will practice everyday this week!

1 comment:

Melanie Beckett said...

You and I are gonna have to 'jam' when I come home ;)