Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Check Please!

This morning I was brain storming (can you call it that when you are alone) about how to remember to do all the things that I want to do every day. I have good intentions everyday but sometimes other things get in the way, like being so tired at 9:00 that I can`t see straight. So what I think that I am going to try is making a list while my brain is functioning and then just check it off when things have been accomplished. That way, I won`t forget stuff, like writing my blog that I did not think about until I woke up this morning. And meditating! I know that it will be great for me once I get to doing it every day, it is just the getting to it  every day that is getting in the way!
I am so glad that I am using this month before the Year Of the Horse to work out all the kinks in my daily plans :)

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