Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Suicide Prevention

I taught my suicide prevention refresher workshop today and I must say, I'm a bit tired. I love teaching, facilitating, leading a group of people and I find that it takes a lot of energy. I believe it is especially important that we teach people to talk openly about thoughts of suicide and feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. For some reason, we have created a society that doesn't reach out to anyone when they are in trouble, don't share with anyone when they are down and believe that they can handle everything on their own. Well, some things are for sharing and getting help with and thinking about ending your life is one of them. There are many resources available if you don't have anyone in your life that you can talk to, hot lines, crisis, hospitals, all you have to do is ask. I realize that it is a really hard thing to talk about but it does actually feel better to get it out and talk about it. It is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, many, many people have considered suicide as an option during trying times in their lives. I believe that people don't necessarily want to die, they just want the pain that they are living with in the moment to go away. If we can help someone get past that moment then we can help them to live and not end their life. If you know someone who is down and out, ask them if they are ok and if they need someone to talk to. It doesn't have to be you, you can assist them in finding someone (like a professional). Many businesses offer opportunities to seek counseling, some health insurance policies cover the cost, if you need information, for yourself or anyone else, just ask.
What does this have to do with kung fu? I am very passionate about helping people who are feeling helpless and hopeless and that is a very big part of me. Kung fu has helped give me the confidence to talk in front of groups of people about something that I feel strongly about.

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