Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lion Dancing

How do you even talk about lion dancing? How do you describe what it is like inside the head? Being a tail is quite extraordinary, you are alone but not, completely connected to the head! I love being inside the head, it is like you are following a set pattern but at the same time, totally doing your own thing. You move the head around in a way that feels right to you but follow the drum and the steps that you have been taught. Last Saturday, when we were practicing, there was a moment where I was totally one with the lion, moving to the beat of the drum, completely unaware of anyone or anything else. When it was over, I was not sure how much time had passed! What a cool feeling! I want to do that again and again.
I certainly hope I can talk some folks into lion dancing for a bit tomorrow night :)

1 comment:

Jim Sand said...

I am I'm. I do not like the fact that when I am doing the lion dance I sweat up a storm. I feel bad for who ever has to go in after me. But Sihing Tymchuk told me to improve on my horse stance is to lion danc