Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hidden Benefits

I have changed over the last year in a way that I didn't expect. This is my third year of being on the UBBT/I Ho Chaun team and it is different than the others. Yes, I am a black belt now but that is not what has changed so much. It's the numbers! I used to be so focused on the numbers, I have to get this many of this and that many of that in order to have accomplished something each day. Now I am more focused on running to improve my cardio, practicing my form so that I can improve it, doing kicks so that they have more power, and doing acts of kindness because I can. I am racking up the numbers but they are no longer my focal point.
This is what I love about being on the I Ho Chaun team, there are hidden benefits all the time. I didn't plan to become a better martial artist, a teacher, a person, it happens when you concentrate on being a better person today than you were yesterday, everyday.

1 comment:

Ian Repay said...

Great post Sifu! Thanks for sharing this part of your journey with us.

Mr. Repay