Saturday, April 24, 2010


This week was a real struggle to stay focused. My work threatened to steal my attention on more than one occasion between troubled children and yearly performance reviews it was hard not to get sucked into that world. By that I mean allowing it to dominate my thoughts and actions when I am not there. As I fought to stay focused, I found it hard to participate in routines that I have been following for months. It was okay once I got started but I really had to push myself to start. I also combated this by arranging to train with others and talking to my support people about how I was feeling. I must admit that it was not the most successful week as far as numbers go, I spent a lot of time talking and planning and I did have one day that I didn't actually do anything physical. It was a successful week in that I worked through a tough time without fully stopping my training and I learned a little about myself. I love being surrounded by people who are also working towards mastery, I feel like I am in the right place. I finished the week off with participation in our annual Pitch-In with family and friends and an amazing 2 & 1/2 hour workout that required focus and attention. I am tired but pleased with how the week turned out.

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