Sunday, January 18, 2015

It's where I belong.....

I have spent more time at the kwoon this week than has been my norm and I liked it. I have had the privilege of being around the people that I revere so much and guess what? They are just like the rest of us, doing the best they can with the tools they have, putting one foot in front of the other, etc. They have goals and they work hard to achieve them, they mess up and wish they would have done things differently and they have successes that they are proud of....just like the rest of us.....well, me actually. I spend a great deal of my time wishing I was just like them and then I have a little wake up call (thank you my friend) like I did this week, and I realize that I am exactly like them. That is why we get along so well and hang out so much, 'cause we all love that push to do better, that feeling that you get when you finally figure something out after so much trying and being together when it happens!
Thank you team, for helping keep my glasses clean, allowing the opportunity to run with the lions and accepting me. I appreciate that no matter what you are there :)
I know that I sometimes forget some of these things when I am away from the kwoon, thanks for the reminder.

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