When am I going to start reflecting on my goals? It seems like all that I have been thinking about lately is how I got here and what does it feel like. What has changed? What has stayed the same? What else do I want to change? What do I want to stay the same?
I have definitely been thinking a lot about my journey and what defines it and where it is going. I have also been working very hard at practice, dragon dance and training. That is where I am the most happiest person ever, when I am working on my kung fu, in any form. Each day is structured around maximizing my kung fu time; take something out for dinner that can be cooked by my family (thank you tons and tons), so that I can eat when I am finished my practice and then go and practice some more. Some days it means getting up extra early so that I have time to practice before family time or errands that contribute to the running of my household. Whatever it takes, I make time for practice, I love it.
One of the things that I noticed that has changed the most for me is making time for everything. I don't waste as many minutes as I used to, each portion of the day has a purpose and I try not to let it go to waste. I like to get things done. The more things that I can check off my list each the day the happier I am. I have always been this way but before I didn't exactly know how to get it done. I plan my days better now so that I can fit more stuff in and I spend way less time sitting around wondering how I am going to get it all done. I can not pin point when in the last year that the transformation took place, I just noticed that I am different. Here is an example; each year at Christmas time, I make elaborate plans to make items for people as gifts, I usually accomplish about half of what I set out to do and experience disappointment in myself. This year, I made a plan and I set it in motion and completed it in time. Two key things have changed, I am more realistic about what I can get accomplished so I didn't plan as many things and I stayed committed to what I was doing and got it done within my deadline.
I did not have a goal that stated that I should make better use of my time, etc. I just got super busy with all the things that I love to do and had to figure out a way to make it all happen. This is the true benefit of striving for mastery everyday, all kinds of cool things start to happen and before you know it, you are the person that you have been earning to be. I will always set goals for myself that include a daily commitment towards improvement, so that I can enjoy the fringe benefits of changing and growing each year.
That is the biggest impact that UBBT has had on my life this year. I have completed push ups, sit ups, kicks, forms, acts of kindness and many of the goals that I had set out to do. I also am continuing to work on many aspect of those same goals, as I don't think that I will ever be finished with them. I am a different person than I was went I started on this journey, actually I am different than when I got up yesterday morning and I will be different again tomorrow morning. As long as I strive towards mastery in all that I do, I will continue to grow.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
It's Christmas!!!!!!

Don't forget as you run around doing your last minute shopping and errands, and try to fit one more thing in before the holidays, etc. It's Christmas!
I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to train, laugh, sweat, chat, take risks, shovel, encourage and inspire an amazing group of people. I wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
I look forward to encountering all of you in the new year as we all strive to be better tomorrow than we are today.
Sihing Kichko
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Happy to be where I am.
Do I write about........
How I think that last year has gone?
The thrill and excitement of the Dragon Dance?
Being on holidays and feeling like I can breath for a second or two before moving on to the next thing to do?
Fundraising, how to share the passion?
My new kitten and the highs and lows of finding the right food for him?
Each and every week, I pack as many things as possible into every day. This is mostly due to the UBBT team and learning that each moment has a purpose. I started out trying to fit all my requirements into each day and discovered that I love to be busy and I love to accomplish things every day. I no longer think that I don't have time for something new, I think, how am I going to make this work?
I am on holidays until Jan. 08, I am hoping that I can manage to stay busy until then.
How I think that last year has gone?
The thrill and excitement of the Dragon Dance?
Being on holidays and feeling like I can breath for a second or two before moving on to the next thing to do?
Fundraising, how to share the passion?
My new kitten and the highs and lows of finding the right food for him?
Each and every week, I pack as many things as possible into every day. This is mostly due to the UBBT team and learning that each moment has a purpose. I started out trying to fit all my requirements into each day and discovered that I love to be busy and I love to accomplish things every day. I no longer think that I don't have time for something new, I think, how am I going to make this work?
I am on holidays until Jan. 08, I am hoping that I can manage to stay busy until then.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Why do you volunteer?

Why I volunteer........
I started the adopt-a-driveway program because I thought that it would be a fun thing to do with my kung fu friends. And it is. The first year, I don't think that I ever went out by myself to shovel, it was always with a group. In recent years, I often go in the morning after class with some of my training mates and it is always a great time. Throughout this time, I had heard that other members of the team had talk to our home owners, I did not meet any of them until last year. Then I got to meet Mrs. Chaulifoux and Mrs. Englehardt and they are very, very nice ladies. I am not just saying that because they give the most amazing baked goods. They are nice people and they truly appreciate what we are doing. One day, when we arrived, Mrs. Chaulifoux was out in the driveway getting started as she didn't want "you girls" to have to do it all. I feel truly blessed to have met this lady, she is a sweat heart and she is the reason that I strap on my snow boots each and every time that it snows, so she doesn't have to worry about the walk way.
A few years ago, we were all invited to listen to a lady talk about the project in Malawi. I went because I thought that is what was expected of me. What I heard was amazing! I don't remember all the words that were spoken, but I remember the passion. When Memory spoke about the girls at the school, I remember the depth of emotion that she shared with us. As I raise money for pandemonium this year, I don't think that I have to do this, I am thinking of her face and her voice and the passion that she shared with us that night.
I recently rescued a kitten. He was found in a garbage bag with his brothers and sisters at the dump (insert politically correct word here) and a kind soul found homes for all of them. I don't know the gentleman that started the whole thing but I think of him often and his kindness and selflessness. I am sure that it wasn't easy lining up five homes in one afternoon but he did it. He even gave each of us a little milk replacer for kittens to get us through the night. When I met my kitten, he was very frightened, he had had quite an adventure, I settled him by zipping him into my hoodie where he promptly went to sleep listening to my heart. I think of that moment when I am speaking to people about donating money to SCARS.
I believe that everyone needs to know that someone in the world cares about them. Just one person, that is all it takes. When someone is feeling alone, they need a place to turn, to talk, to feel grounded, to know that there is someone who understands. When we give money to the Simon Poultney Foundation, we are providing that opportunity, that moment (it's a precious one) that could change a person's life.
These are the things that I think about all the time. I don't drag my butt around complaining about all the things that I have to do to be a better person or because someone else wants me to. I drag my butt around because I want to help people, I want them to know that I care, I will help, listen, shovel and even eat a brownie once in a while so that they feel better.
So now you know, what drives me when I am volunteering. What drives you?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Interim blog
On the weekend, Sifu Brinker asked us to reflect on what we have learned in the past year. I started writing that blog and realized that it is going to take me longer than the time that I had set aside to do it. This is my interim blog while the other percolates some more.
My training this week has been very interesting. I am learning some very cool stuff and having a great time doing it. I am also trying to fix some things that continue to haunt me, probably because I didn't really fix them the first time. I know that I will find the real truth when I look at the root of the problem, I just have to find the nerve to take a peek. I will continue to work on my courage to do so.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sihing Kichko
My training this week has been very interesting. I am learning some very cool stuff and having a great time doing it. I am also trying to fix some things that continue to haunt me, probably because I didn't really fix them the first time. I know that I will find the real truth when I look at the root of the problem, I just have to find the nerve to take a peek. I will continue to work on my courage to do so.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sihing Kichko
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Working Hard and Having Fun! Really!!!
What an incredible week it has been! I am working harder than ever before in my life and I am loving it. Everything that I do, all day long, is orchestrated so that I can have more time to practice. It was hard at first but I am getting used to the pace and I am enjoying pushing myself as hard as I can.
I made a major break through with my eye for detail this week and it is a giant relief. I have been trying to figure something out about how I move for a long time and I finally get it. I knew that if I kept trying that I would get it, and it was hard to be patient with the process sometimes, but I think I have succeeded.
I am fully enjoying teaching all the different levels and ages that I have an opportunity to. The young people on Saturday mornings are nearly as enthusiastic as I am and they are a great deal of fun. They will try anything once and that makes the class very entertaining. The teen/adult classes that I attend and am lucky to be a part of are very educational. I am learning about how different people learn and how to help them by letting them figure some stuff out for themselves.
I also very blessed to have a great partner to train with, it is always fun and challenging when we get together. We work hard to improve ourselves and to give each other positive feedback.
When I review the week, I can't believe how busy it was and when I look the coming week, I can't wait to get started.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
I made a major break through with my eye for detail this week and it is a giant relief. I have been trying to figure something out about how I move for a long time and I finally get it. I knew that if I kept trying that I would get it, and it was hard to be patient with the process sometimes, but I think I have succeeded.
I am fully enjoying teaching all the different levels and ages that I have an opportunity to. The young people on Saturday mornings are nearly as enthusiastic as I am and they are a great deal of fun. They will try anything once and that makes the class very entertaining. The teen/adult classes that I attend and am lucky to be a part of are very educational. I am learning about how different people learn and how to help them by letting them figure some stuff out for themselves.
I also very blessed to have a great partner to train with, it is always fun and challenging when we get together. We work hard to improve ourselves and to give each other positive feedback.
When I review the week, I can't believe how busy it was and when I look the coming week, I can't wait to get started.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Snow Days!

I think that I discovered one of the great mystery's of my little world. Why do we stay in this crazy cold climate, with long winters and short summers (with lots of rain)?
I had the pleasure of having to run some errands on Thurs. afternoon in the middle of the snow storm. The people that I encountered were friendly and helpful and full of good cheer. The general attitude seemed to be 'No point complaining about, might as well make the best of it.' I observed people helping others with their hard to manage carts in the snow, sharing jokes about snow days and how come grown ups don't get them, and being patient and over all friendly with one another. I think that the snow brought them together, gave them a common ground. Hopefully this good cheer will see us through the holiday season and into the long months while we wait for spring to arrive.
Meanwhile, I am thrilled and exhausted this week as I attempt to push my training to the next level.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Goal setting is important in all areas of our lives. Whether you are setting fitness goals, weight loss goals, how to get a promotion goals or how to be a better person goals, it is important that you write them down, recite them often and remind yourself throughout the day. When I set a major, long term goal, the steps that I take to get there are many and keep me involved throughout each day. Every part of my being needs to be involved in working towards that goal. When I set getting a black belt as a major goal several years ago, I don't think that I understood the process that it would take to get anywhere near there. I could imagine (sort of) dedicating myself daily to working towards a goal but I didn't understand the transformation and how it would impact all aspects of my life. I have changed how I eat, always keeping in mind the energy that I will get from the food I eat and how long I can train before I have to eat again. I don't always make the right choices but I always consider the impact of what I am doing. I have changed how I treat people, I try to hold myself to higher standard than before, I want to be that person that it always kind and considerate. I will always strive to be that person. I have changed who I spend my time with, my free time has decreased quite a bit, so it is important that I spend time with people that I care about and that have the same goal-oriented principles that I have. A few years ago, I met someone and we started to be friends, when the opportunity to do 1000 push ups in a day came up, I was very excited at the prospect of learning something about myself. This new person in my life suggested that I lie and tell everyone that I had done the push ups when I had not. That person is no longer part of my life. It wasn't a hard choice to make, we were just so fundamentally different, it wouldn't have made sense for us to remain friends. I made that choice because my goal is always in front of me and I can't allow for any part of my life to not be affected by it.
So all day long, about a thousand times, I am thinking about my goal and choosing to do things that put me closer to that goal. I no longer think that it is just about the goal, I now know that it is about the process, it is all about the process. I am fully enjoying the process and I know that I have learned some life-long lessons throughout it.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Just Checking In.
Highlights of the week:
- spending tons of time with Sifu during class on Monday night thanks to Halloween.
- dragon dancing, it just doesn't get any cooler than that.
- planning our next renovation project, it always seems bigger at the beginning!
- bought new shovels in preparation for the snow shoveling team. One of the great things about winter is being involved with shoveling for seniors, it's not just about the amazing baked goods.
- brainstorming ways to raise money for pandemonium, I am not an idea person but give me an idea and I will run with it full force. I am hoping that we will have a successful year and more students will understand the reason for creating awareness and helping others.
That is my week in a nutshell. I am feeling good about my training and it feels like I might be making some progress in the way I move. I had a major break through at Tai Chi yesterday, I think that I can apply it to my other forms. I am definitely going to spend this week trying.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
- spending tons of time with Sifu during class on Monday night thanks to Halloween.
- dragon dancing, it just doesn't get any cooler than that.
- planning our next renovation project, it always seems bigger at the beginning!
- bought new shovels in preparation for the snow shoveling team. One of the great things about winter is being involved with shoveling for seniors, it's not just about the amazing baked goods.
- brainstorming ways to raise money for pandemonium, I am not an idea person but give me an idea and I will run with it full force. I am hoping that we will have a successful year and more students will understand the reason for creating awareness and helping others.
That is my week in a nutshell. I am feeling good about my training and it feels like I might be making some progress in the way I move. I had a major break through at Tai Chi yesterday, I think that I can apply it to my other forms. I am definitely going to spend this week trying.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tai Chi

I started Tai Chi four years ago so that I could improve my flow and therefore improve my Kung Fu. I did not count on completely falling in love with it. I love everything about it. I like the moves and how I feel when I do them properly. More specifically when I have been trying to figure out a move and finally do and then do it properly, it feels amazing. I like activating my chi and how that feels flowing through my body. It has a calming affect on me while also giving me a feeling of power waiting to be unleashed. It sounds like a contradiction but it isn't. It just feels right. I try to practice Tai Chi everyday (it is one of my goals this year), I don't always make it but having Tai Chi in the forefront of my training has helped me achieve more focus in all that I do. When I do my form, I feel calm and in control after and I also feel revved up and ready to go. So I do my form at the beginning of a work out to gain focus and to get ready to do kung fu and sometimes I do it at the end of the workout to settle myself and get ready to take on the next item on my agenda. I am not sure that I fully understand the dual role that it plays for me but right now it is working well so I am not going to try too hard to figure it our for fear that it will alter the benefits.
I wish that everyone could take Tai Chi and have such a positive experience with it.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tired but happy!
What a long week! I am exhausted!!!! I changed my work schedule a bit so that I could attend some extra kung fu stuff and it really changed how my week turned out. I also ran a couple of workshops for new employees and was involved in a fairly major critical incident. Whew.... am I glad that it has come to an end. I have three whole days to catch up on my sleep and enjoy my training. Speaking of training, things are going well. I am working hard at improving my eye for detail and stay in touch with how it feels when I move. I think that I am moving in the right direction but only time and more practice will tell the tale.
The high light of my week was rescuing a 4 week old kitten. The cutest thing ever! As soon as I get a decent picture, I will share it.
Have a great week, work hard and have fun.
The high light of my week was rescuing a 4 week old kitten. The cutest thing ever! As soon as I get a decent picture, I will share it.
Have a great week, work hard and have fun.
Monday, October 17, 2011

I have to honor my commitment to journalling and I am not sure what to write about. A lot has happened for me this weekend and I am not ready to talk about it. It is mostly stuff going on in my head and it will need some sorting before I let it out.
This is one of my favorite times of year, I enjoy walking in the woods and listening to the quiet as the trees all get ready for winter. There seems to be a quiet business going on and it feels good. I also like the smell, there is a clean freshness in the air and it feels like new beginnings. I never used to admit that I liked fall because it lead to winter and we are all supposed to hate winter, but I like both, it is a time to regroup, recharge and get ready for major growth in the spring.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Dragon Dancing

I am so excited to be on the dragon team. It is not just about looking super cool and being a part of amazing fetes, although those are great selling features. The team work is already fa-nominal, it will be out of this world when we unveil our dance to the rest of the family. I can already feel the strength of the dragon, it has patiently waited for us to be ready for it and now it can let it's strength shine. I am not sure that strength is the right word, maybe power would better suit it. I love being part of making it move and I am excited to watch it's personality emerge.
When we first got the dragon, I remember thinking,' I wonder if I will ever have an opportunity to be in the dragon dance?' And now I am, it is too exciting to describe. I am honored to be on the team and working with a great group of people, how about matching outfits team?????
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wacky Emotions
I feel a little cheap for not writing what is happening in my world last week. I was having a difficult time putting it into words, I am not sure that I am any more prepared this week but I am willing to give it a try.
I am riding an emotional roller coaster. I am not usually changing on a minute by minute basis but definitely by the hour (it does occasionally feel like it is changing by the minute). Here are those nasty emotions in no particular order:
Nervous -
Anxious -
Excited -
Confidence -
Satisfied -
Calm -
I was going to write a little bit about why each emotion is wreaking havoc in me but the answer is the same for each one, the test. I have worked very hard on my kung fu in the last couple of years and it is going to be put to the test very soon. I am looking forward to it and dreading it, all at the same time. The result of all these wacky emotions is that I seem distracted, even to me. I have to really concentrate in order to focus on one thing, and this is going okay so far. Occasionally, I get accused of not listening but that is pretty normal.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
I am riding an emotional roller coaster. I am not usually changing on a minute by minute basis but definitely by the hour (it does occasionally feel like it is changing by the minute). Here are those nasty emotions in no particular order:
Nervous -
Anxious -
Excited -
Confidence -
Satisfied -
Calm -
I was going to write a little bit about why each emotion is wreaking havoc in me but the answer is the same for each one, the test. I have worked very hard on my kung fu in the last couple of years and it is going to be put to the test very soon. I am looking forward to it and dreading it, all at the same time. The result of all these wacky emotions is that I seem distracted, even to me. I have to really concentrate in order to focus on one thing, and this is going okay so far. Occasionally, I get accused of not listening but that is pretty normal.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Don't know what to say
I have no idea what to write about this week. My week has been low and high and in between. I am glad that it ended on a positive note with an amazing Dragon Dance practice.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Sunday, September 18, 2011
My journey has not been without the help and support of most of the people in my life. My immediate circle has been patient and understanding and willing to take up the slack while I am busy with kempo. My extended circle has supported me unconditionally and without my asking. I have one such amazing story to share.
I used to work with this guy named Richard (the psychologist in the program) and he would always ask me about my kung fu journey. He listened attentively over the years as I shared my triumphs and obstacles and seemed to enjoy most of my stories. He always had ideas on how to over come what I was struggling with and cheered when I shared my successes, I enjoyed our chats together. One day I mentioned to him that I had to read this book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and I needed to do so with enough attention to answer some questions about it after. I shared with Richard my frustration with my reading as I didn't always understand what the author was talking about and therefore felt stupid, creating more road blocks, etc. Richard suggested that we read it together, having reading assignments and then checking in with each other. This worked great until I put the book aside in frustration once again. His response to this was to buy me that audio version of the book to listen to in my vehicle. What a great idea! I listened to the book and got enough out of it that I could sit down with the book, finish reading it and answer the necessary questions. When I finally finished, I excitedly went to Richard and shared the ah-ha moment that occurred when I completed the assignment and understood the purpose of it. I don't think that anyone else could have been prouder of me. He may also have been relieved that we were finally done with the assignment after three years and ready to move on to something else.
Today I attended a celebration of Richard's life and discovered that I wasn't the only one that he supported and encouraged. I will miss you my friend and I will always cherish the impact that you had on me.
I used to work with this guy named Richard (the psychologist in the program) and he would always ask me about my kung fu journey. He listened attentively over the years as I shared my triumphs and obstacles and seemed to enjoy most of my stories. He always had ideas on how to over come what I was struggling with and cheered when I shared my successes, I enjoyed our chats together. One day I mentioned to him that I had to read this book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and I needed to do so with enough attention to answer some questions about it after. I shared with Richard my frustration with my reading as I didn't always understand what the author was talking about and therefore felt stupid, creating more road blocks, etc. Richard suggested that we read it together, having reading assignments and then checking in with each other. This worked great until I put the book aside in frustration once again. His response to this was to buy me that audio version of the book to listen to in my vehicle. What a great idea! I listened to the book and got enough out of it that I could sit down with the book, finish reading it and answer the necessary questions. When I finally finished, I excitedly went to Richard and shared the ah-ha moment that occurred when I completed the assignment and understood the purpose of it. I don't think that anyone else could have been prouder of me. He may also have been relieved that we were finally done with the assignment after three years and ready to move on to something else.
Today I attended a celebration of Richard's life and discovered that I wasn't the only one that he supported and encouraged. I will miss you my friend and I will always cherish the impact that you had on me.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A day of reflection
Last year on this day, I thought about turning 45 and how my year was going to look. It was going to be the year that I received my black belt. Today, I reflect on my 45th year and how much I have learned about becoming a black belt. It is way bigger than I imagined it to be, it encompassed mind, body and spirit and no stone can be left unturned. I have grown more this year than I thought was possible. I have examined myself, figured out what to change and what to modify and what to improve upon. I don't know what this new year is going to bring but I am ready for all the challenges that come my way. Tomorrow I begin my 46th year and I am ready.
I am also thinking about our world today and what it takes to have a peaceful one. I know what it takes to keep peace in my family, in my work world and with my friends, can we take those concepts that we use to create a peaceful existence out into the world? I think we can. It starts with acts of kindness, being kind to our community and encouraging our community to go to other communities and spread the kindness. Imagine the impact if we can convince everyone that we come in contact with to spread peace and kindness!
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
I am also thinking about our world today and what it takes to have a peaceful one. I know what it takes to keep peace in my family, in my work world and with my friends, can we take those concepts that we use to create a peaceful existence out into the world? I think we can. It starts with acts of kindness, being kind to our community and encouraging our community to go to other communities and spread the kindness. Imagine the impact if we can convince everyone that we come in contact with to spread peace and kindness!
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
My week.
It wouldn't be sunday morning if I wasn't staring at a blank screen trying to choose what to write about. Here is what is going on in my world:
- my bullying project is starting to take some shape, I have done lot's of research this year but I wasn't exactly sure how to put it out there until recently. I am strongly considering making a video.
- I am sick again, so all the regular feelings of frustration and helplessness that go with that are here. I have been working on improving my health for a long time and the progress is slow, I know the only way to deal with it is with patience but this week my patience seemed to have left me.
- at work I have a student from Ireland, it is pretty cool to meet someone from one of the top three places that I always wanted to go. She is as excited to be here as I am to have her, so I am sure that we will enjoy our time together.
-training.... what training? I have not done much physical stuff this week, I have been working on staying mentally strong. It has been challenging as I usually work out really hard and long when I don't feel strong in my head and that works for me. Without the physical, I am relying on self talk and encouragement, reviewing my successes and not allowing myself to feel discouraged.
- Katie started grade 8 this week, it always strikes me at this time of year how fast she is growing and how amazing she is. It was a long hard walk from the school to my truck on Wed. morning, I really miss her when she is at school.
That is how my week went, I am hoping to get busy this week (but still taking it easy) so I can soothe my troubled mind. I am also looking forward to returning to classes and surrounding myself with the good people at kung fu.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
- my bullying project is starting to take some shape, I have done lot's of research this year but I wasn't exactly sure how to put it out there until recently. I am strongly considering making a video.
- I am sick again, so all the regular feelings of frustration and helplessness that go with that are here. I have been working on improving my health for a long time and the progress is slow, I know the only way to deal with it is with patience but this week my patience seemed to have left me.
- at work I have a student from Ireland, it is pretty cool to meet someone from one of the top three places that I always wanted to go. She is as excited to be here as I am to have her, so I am sure that we will enjoy our time together.
-training.... what training? I have not done much physical stuff this week, I have been working on staying mentally strong. It has been challenging as I usually work out really hard and long when I don't feel strong in my head and that works for me. Without the physical, I am relying on self talk and encouragement, reviewing my successes and not allowing myself to feel discouraged.
- Katie started grade 8 this week, it always strikes me at this time of year how fast she is growing and how amazing she is. It was a long hard walk from the school to my truck on Wed. morning, I really miss her when she is at school.
That is how my week went, I am hoping to get busy this week (but still taking it easy) so I can soothe my troubled mind. I am also looking forward to returning to classes and surrounding myself with the good people at kung fu.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Do you ever wonder why people go through life in an unhappy state? Why do they accept mediocrity? I have been working towards improving me and how I live my life for enough time that I am not really sure how not to be. I have a hard time imagining being dissatisfied for a long time and not doing anything about it. I know that when negative thoughts start creeping into my head that I need to figure out how they are getting in and rectify the problem. I can't begin to imagine what my life would be like if I accepted mediocrity and didn't strive to improve myself and the world around me. I am not saying that my life is perfect and that I don't make mistakes, I am saying that I am not going to accept everything as it presents itself in my world. I am going to question, explore, investigate, and change all that needs to be in order to achieve mastery.
"Correction is essential to power and mastery. You see, we are all ordinary. But a master, rather than condemning himself for his ordinariness, he embraces his ordinariness and uses it as a foundation for building the extraordinary. Instead of giving up, like ordinary people do, a master will use his ordinariness to correct his errors, which is essential in the process of attaining mastery. You must be able to correct yourself without condemning or invalidating yourself, accept results and improve upon them."
This quote is from Mastery by Stuwart Emery and these words have been helping me create the direction in my life for a while now. It has not been easy, especially the accepting part, well, and not condemning has been a bit challenging, and maybe the embracing part. Okay, so it has been challenging and sometimes down right hard. I am determined to achieve my mastery in every corner of my life, I will succeed.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
"Correction is essential to power and mastery. You see, we are all ordinary. But a master, rather than condemning himself for his ordinariness, he embraces his ordinariness and uses it as a foundation for building the extraordinary. Instead of giving up, like ordinary people do, a master will use his ordinariness to correct his errors, which is essential in the process of attaining mastery. You must be able to correct yourself without condemning or invalidating yourself, accept results and improve upon them."
This quote is from Mastery by Stuwart Emery and these words have been helping me create the direction in my life for a while now. It has not been easy, especially the accepting part, well, and not condemning has been a bit challenging, and maybe the embracing part. Okay, so it has been challenging and sometimes down right hard. I am determined to achieve my mastery in every corner of my life, I will succeed.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bullies! Who needs them?
Each time I sit down to write (possible make a video) about bullies and how to guard against them, I find that yet another one has wound it's way into my space. I am confronted with the many emotions that come along with an attack and I am challenged to separate myself from those emotions so that I can do what I set out to do. I realize as I write this that I am in exactly the right place to be writing about bullies. I can't wait until the storm has passed and then analyze the situation and gain some perspective, I need to write now while I am in the throws of it and can identify first hand what is happening.
I don't think that I am quite ready to explore my emotions on this, I have been trying to put them into to words for the last half of an hour and have not been successful. I have learned from writing this that I need to put some serious time into identifying my emotions and explaining them and dealing with them.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
I don't think that I am quite ready to explore my emotions on this, I have been trying to put them into to words for the last half of an hour and have not been successful. I have learned from writing this that I need to put some serious time into identifying my emotions and explaining them and dealing with them.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Sunday, August 14, 2011

I don't understand when people treat others with less respect than they deserve. I believe that all people deserve respect 100% of the time. I don't think that just because you don't agree with someone, you should talk down to them. If you have more knowledge, it is your job to teach not degrade. I also don't understand why when someone gets in trouble (caught doing something that they are not supposed to) and they try to shift the focus to everyone else, pointing out their errors and mistakes.
I am sitting here in a cloud of confusion. I returned to work, refreshed, relaxed and ready to commit to my work and I have been confronted with criticism, judgment and accusations. I am not really sure how to handle it. I know that I have done nothing wrong, save a few errors that are my normal, and I am feeling attacked from most fronts. What is one to do, hide until it blows over, confront the issues with confidence, quietly go about my business until the storm passes. I prefer to do anything but confront, I also know that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. So confront it is.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
New and Old
All day I have wondered what I am going to write about this week. I feel like every topic is a re-run of something that I have already written about. That is exactly what this journey is about, doing something over and over again until you get it right. I once heard a pastor speak about lessons being presented to you over and over again until you understood the message and acted upon it. Well, that is what my journey is about, learning, trying, testing, practicing, exploring over and over again, until I figure out the answer.
This week has been challenging because I have bronchitis once again. It is not as bad as it has been other times, but still requires me to modify my activities. Instead of two to three hours of hard core fitness and forms, I went slowly. I didn't complete as many reps, and I didn't perform any cardiovascular fetes, but I did mindfully practice for the same amount of time that I usually do. This is a step in the right direction.
I returned to work this week, after a month of being away from there. I did not enjoy the change in schedule and not seeing my family as much. I did enjoy seeing my clients and my team mates. I feel much calmer at work than I have before, I am sure that it has happened gradually but due to my absence, I am really noticing it. I am finding that I am not getting excited about things that I can't do anything about. This is a definite improvement.
I work really hard in my group of training mates to ensure that everyone feels supported and has everything they need to train hard core. I continue to be amazed that I am lucky enough to be a part of this group. I encourage everyone to reach out to a training mate and see if they want to work together, want to be your partner, want to practice together. The risk is well worth it.
That is what is new and old with me, until next week,
Work hard and have fun!
This week has been challenging because I have bronchitis once again. It is not as bad as it has been other times, but still requires me to modify my activities. Instead of two to three hours of hard core fitness and forms, I went slowly. I didn't complete as many reps, and I didn't perform any cardiovascular fetes, but I did mindfully practice for the same amount of time that I usually do. This is a step in the right direction.
I returned to work this week, after a month of being away from there. I did not enjoy the change in schedule and not seeing my family as much. I did enjoy seeing my clients and my team mates. I feel much calmer at work than I have before, I am sure that it has happened gradually but due to my absence, I am really noticing it. I am finding that I am not getting excited about things that I can't do anything about. This is a definite improvement.
I work really hard in my group of training mates to ensure that everyone feels supported and has everything they need to train hard core. I continue to be amazed that I am lucky enough to be a part of this group. I encourage everyone to reach out to a training mate and see if they want to work together, want to be your partner, want to practice together. The risk is well worth it.
That is what is new and old with me, until next week,
Work hard and have fun!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Many blessings
I was reading about Mr.Kreb's personal victory this weekend and it got me thinking about the amazing people that we surround ourselves with each day at kung fu.
The next time that you are lined up and waiting for class to begin, look at the people standing beside you. These are the people that will eventually inspire, encourage and challenge you in ways that you never imagined. I am constantly surrounded by people who encourage me and expect more of me that I do. These are my kung fu people. They come in all different belt levels and they all come from Silent River Kung Fu. Be open to the people that you train with and allow them to influence your sphere.
I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many like-minded people. I have been encouraged to change what I have always done to make it better. I have been challenged to question how things are put together so that I can take them apart and study them. I have been supported so that I can grow in trusting my judgment and in learning to accept my ordinariness in pursuit of mastery. I am inspired by each person that I encounter that learns the value of setting goals (some of them outrageous! seriously? the DEATH RACE????) and pushing themselves to take the steps to accomplish them.
Take a moment to appreciate the many benefits that you receive as part of our kung fu family.
Until next week, you know what to do, just go do it!
The next time that you are lined up and waiting for class to begin, look at the people standing beside you. These are the people that will eventually inspire, encourage and challenge you in ways that you never imagined. I am constantly surrounded by people who encourage me and expect more of me that I do. These are my kung fu people. They come in all different belt levels and they all come from Silent River Kung Fu. Be open to the people that you train with and allow them to influence your sphere.
I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many like-minded people. I have been encouraged to change what I have always done to make it better. I have been challenged to question how things are put together so that I can take them apart and study them. I have been supported so that I can grow in trusting my judgment and in learning to accept my ordinariness in pursuit of mastery. I am inspired by each person that I encounter that learns the value of setting goals (some of them outrageous! seriously? the DEATH RACE????) and pushing themselves to take the steps to accomplish them.
Take a moment to appreciate the many benefits that you receive as part of our kung fu family.
Until next week, you know what to do, just go do it!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I can't wait 'til.....
How many times have I said that? Probably too many!!!!
I understand the concept of living in the moment but I have a really hard time applying it to the bigger picture. I can narrow my focus and attend to what I doing (be in the moment) but a part of me is planning or thinking about the rest of the day or the rest of the week. I love to plan, schedule and set goals, it is part of what makes me tick. If asked to attend something, I would automatically begin to arrange that day to make it fit.
Here is how it has gotten in my way lately; I was all excited to start my holidays and not have to minutely plan everyday in order to meet my daily goals. When I am at work, I need to plan each day so that I can maximize my workout and at home times. I couldn't wait to start my holidays so that I wouldn't have to do that. Unfortunately that tight schedule is what I thrive on, so all month I have been trying to figure out how come I am not motivated to get stuff done, it has merely been that I have too much time on my hands and not enough of a tight schedule.
I sometimes find myself wishing and waiting for the next thing instead of enjoying what is happening right now. I am not really sure how to stop this or re-focus myself but I do know that being aware of it is half the battle. I am sure that meditation will help me figure out how to stay in the moment. That seems to be a theme lately, it must mean something.........
I understand the concept of living in the moment but I have a really hard time applying it to the bigger picture. I can narrow my focus and attend to what I doing (be in the moment) but a part of me is planning or thinking about the rest of the day or the rest of the week. I love to plan, schedule and set goals, it is part of what makes me tick. If asked to attend something, I would automatically begin to arrange that day to make it fit.
Here is how it has gotten in my way lately; I was all excited to start my holidays and not have to minutely plan everyday in order to meet my daily goals. When I am at work, I need to plan each day so that I can maximize my workout and at home times. I couldn't wait to start my holidays so that I wouldn't have to do that. Unfortunately that tight schedule is what I thrive on, so all month I have been trying to figure out how come I am not motivated to get stuff done, it has merely been that I have too much time on my hands and not enough of a tight schedule.
I sometimes find myself wishing and waiting for the next thing instead of enjoying what is happening right now. I am not really sure how to stop this or re-focus myself but I do know that being aware of it is half the battle. I am sure that meditation will help me figure out how to stay in the moment. That seems to be a theme lately, it must mean something.........
Sunday, July 17, 2011
So many lessons, so little time
I broke my toe, twice. Last week, I think, I broke it while helping to teach a class. I didn't really notice it at first, well, a few days. My foot was sore but I have been dealing with some foot pain on and off for the last little while so I didn't pay attention. I figured that it was more of the same. I have broken toes before and didn't think that it would interfere much with my training. I taped them up and went on my merry way, practicing forms, etc. So this week, at the beginning of the week, I attended class and was participating and having a great time. I paid no attention to my sore toe at all until afterwards when it started to hurt more. I iced and elevated it and thought it was okay. Then it continued to hurt more and more, I showed it to my husband(he has fixed many broken toes) and he announced that I had re-broken the toe and it felt like the bones were over-lapping. It was not very comfortable getting it re-set but I learned a valuable lesson.....let the bones heal. I took two days off from everything, not an easy task!!! (there have been reports of crankiness from my family members). It worked and it is beginning to heal.
I have learned a couple of valuable lessons through this. I attended my class on Friday and did not participate and I was able to listen objectively(?) and really hear the message that Sifu was giving us. Instead of going through the motions when doing a form, I need to experience it. I have been trying to put this into my practice(for two days) and it is not as easy as I thought it would be. It makes sense to me and I look forward to fully experiencing all of my forms. I know that I can get there with more mindful practice.
I need to pay attention to the messages that my body is sending me, slow down when I need to, change my practice to accommodate injuries, and be patient with myself.
I don't like not working on my kung fu, I need to figure out better ways to take it easy. I think that if i can find ways to work on my kung fu when I can't fully do it then I won't get so restless (read:cranky).
All in all, an interesting week.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
I have learned a couple of valuable lessons through this. I attended my class on Friday and did not participate and I was able to listen objectively(?) and really hear the message that Sifu was giving us. Instead of going through the motions when doing a form, I need to experience it. I have been trying to put this into my practice(for two days) and it is not as easy as I thought it would be. It makes sense to me and I look forward to fully experiencing all of my forms. I know that I can get there with more mindful practice.
I need to pay attention to the messages that my body is sending me, slow down when I need to, change my practice to accommodate injuries, and be patient with myself.
I don't like not working on my kung fu, I need to figure out better ways to take it easy. I think that if i can find ways to work on my kung fu when I can't fully do it then I won't get so restless (read:cranky).
All in all, an interesting week.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to be a good friend, I think that the above quote sums it up. I often struggle with what to say and what to do when a friend is in need, I think that I just need to be....a friend.
Until next week,
Work hard and have fun!
I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to be a good friend, I think that the above quote sums it up. I often struggle with what to say and what to do when a friend is in need, I think that I just need to be....a friend.
Until next week,
Work hard and have fun!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Blogging... best tool ever!
I forgot to blog!!! I am not sure that has happened to me in quite a while. I have been so wrapped up in trying to figure out what is going on in my head that I forgot to use one of the best tools that I have, blogging! I feel like my get up and go, got up and went. I want to go and work out, it is fun when I do. I miss that feeling I get when I am running, I always feel like there is nothing that I can't accomplish. I love that feeling when the workout is over, I feel proud that I did what I said that I would do (even if it is only to myself, it is important to me). So what is the problem? I am not really sure. I had planned to work harder than ever this month as I have a bit more free time on my hands and I keep coming up with cheap excuses not to do what I love the most. Some insight would be good right about now.......
So nothing is jumping up and biting me so here is the plan; I will get up and do my workout and stop trying to figure out how come I don't feel like it. Either the feeling will go away or I will figure it out as soon as I stop worrying about it so much.
Until next week, work hard and have fun!
So nothing is jumping up and biting me so here is the plan; I will get up and do my workout and stop trying to figure out how come I don't feel like it. Either the feeling will go away or I will figure it out as soon as I stop worrying about it so much.
Until next week, work hard and have fun!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I am really struggling to meet my physical requirements this week. I feel strong and capable but I am having a hard time getting going. I know that the success that I felt so far has been because of my hard work and committment but even that is not pushing me out the door. I have tons of excuses running through my head right but that is all they are, excuses. I am searching for a solution and the only one that is obvious to me right now is to put my shoes on and go for a run. (insert whiny voice...I just don't feel like it!) Well, too bad! This is where the rubber meets the road, literally and figuratively. I am off to run this weirdness out of my head.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I'm doing it!
I am beginning to see the results of my hard work and it is a pretty amazing feeling. I keep whispering to myself,"I did this!" and "I'm doing it!". I am completely in awe of the obstacles that I have over come lately. It is one thing to have someone tell you how you need to change in order to take it to the next level, but it is quite another to understand that change and how to make it happen. It is an amazing thing when it happens. I am enjoying figuring these things out and enjoying the results when I do.
Each time that I have a break through, I get so excited and then I go back to working hard and trying to figure something else out. I am totally loving the process right now. It seems to happen the same each time; I chose something to improve, I try to work it out on my own, ask for advice from my mentors, get frustrated because I feel like I am never going to figure it out, ask more questions, and then I get it. I know that as long as I work hard, the results will come. I am looking forward to the next obstacle and all it's challenges.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Each time that I have a break through, I get so excited and then I go back to working hard and trying to figure something else out. I am totally loving the process right now. It seems to happen the same each time; I chose something to improve, I try to work it out on my own, ask for advice from my mentors, get frustrated because I feel like I am never going to figure it out, ask more questions, and then I get it. I know that as long as I work hard, the results will come. I am looking forward to the next obstacle and all it's challenges.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Shift Work and Me

I have worked shift work for my entire career, 22 years, and I think that I have recently begun to figure out how to make it work for me. I have spent most of the time trying to fit into the monday to friday crowd. I have been trying to structure my life to make it as "normal" as everyone else's, or what I thought was normal. Then I tried listening to what my body needed to feel rested and looked after, well, that consisted of sleeping way too much and eating at odd times of the day and night. I have recently (the last couple of years) put myself on a schedule and stuck to it and it is working for me. I work 3 evenings, 3 days and then 3 days off, in a 9 day rotation. I have been getting up at 7:15 am for 6 of those days and then 5:15 am on the 3 day shifts and this has provided the consistency that I had been craving. Of course, I have Kung Fu to thank for this as well. I have been training at the same times consistently for the past couple of years because of my schedule and the desire to have enough time in the day to train. Through this I have discovered a schedule that works best for me and my body. I feel more rested and more looked after than I ever have and I am getting a lot of things accomplished everyday. Not just training but errands and house hold chores as well.
I don't always want to get out of bed at 7:15 am (and sometimes I whine to my friends) when I don't settle until nearly 1:00 am but I feel great when I do. I also am very tired on my third evening shift and actually look forward to getting up at 5:15 am and feeling more normal ( never thought that I would say that!). It is not a perfect system but it is perfect for me. It works for me to start my day around the same time each day and end it as close to the same time as I can each day. I think that I have grown used to the level of tiredness that I tolerate each day and if I stop and think about it too much then I don't get anything done.
I put this out there because I know that there are a lot more people these days that work shift work and I just wanted to say that it is doable, you just have to keep trying stuff.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Time to turn it up!
Fitness, fitness and more fitness! I love to work out, I enjoy pushing myself and it is time that I did exactly that. It is time to crank it up. There are four months until the black belt grading and I need to be in the best shape of my life, I am ready for that. I think that I am in pretty good shape right now as I have been working hard for the past two years, I know that I can do better. I am going to increase my running in improve my endurance and recovery time, I am going to increase the time I spend on forms to improve the details that I need to pay attention to and I am going to spend more time on techniques with my training partners in order to increase the flow and accuracy. That is my big plan for the next four months.....Crank it up!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Tournament
Yesterday began with some positive self chatter. I was not really sure how the day would go but I decided when I got up that I would face the day with calmness and confidence. Throughout the day, I had to remind myself of this little talk but I did manage to meet my goal to stay calm. I performed everything that I set out to do with more confidence than I ever have before and it was a pretty good feeling.
We had our annual tournament yesterday and it was an amazing day. Right from the very beginning, it felt like we were all going to give 110% of ourselves to make this a great day. We did it! Everyone dug in and helped each other with different tasks and events. I didn't feel like I was competing with anyone but myself and that really contributed to the family like atmosphere that we created.
I have been working with a group of people since October to master a group form presented in an unusual way. Some of the group members had to learn some of the form, some had to remember it and we all had to figure out how to present it in the coolest manner possible. With a lot of guidance from our Sifu, we managed to sift through our self doubts and persevere when we weren't sure that we could pull it off and we did it. While we were performing, it felt like we were moving as one unit, I felt totally connected to each person in the group at the same time. It was the coolest feeling ever! I was so excited that we had accomplished what we came to do that I nearly forgot about the medal presentation. We won the gold. I guess it looked as good as it felt. What an amazing group of people. Sihing Gamble, Mr. Gamble, Miss Donahue, Miss Rice, Miss Topley, Miss VanBokel - my hat is off to you all, you are a shining example of what one can achieve when they set a goal and work towards it through thick and thin.
Congratulations to all who participated in all parts of making this a great day.
Sihing Kichko
We had our annual tournament yesterday and it was an amazing day. Right from the very beginning, it felt like we were all going to give 110% of ourselves to make this a great day. We did it! Everyone dug in and helped each other with different tasks and events. I didn't feel like I was competing with anyone but myself and that really contributed to the family like atmosphere that we created.
I have been working with a group of people since October to master a group form presented in an unusual way. Some of the group members had to learn some of the form, some had to remember it and we all had to figure out how to present it in the coolest manner possible. With a lot of guidance from our Sifu, we managed to sift through our self doubts and persevere when we weren't sure that we could pull it off and we did it. While we were performing, it felt like we were moving as one unit, I felt totally connected to each person in the group at the same time. It was the coolest feeling ever! I was so excited that we had accomplished what we came to do that I nearly forgot about the medal presentation. We won the gold. I guess it looked as good as it felt. What an amazing group of people. Sihing Gamble, Mr. Gamble, Miss Donahue, Miss Rice, Miss Topley, Miss VanBokel - my hat is off to you all, you are a shining example of what one can achieve when they set a goal and work towards it through thick and thin.
Congratulations to all who participated in all parts of making this a great day.
Sihing Kichko
Monday, May 23, 2011
Nothing to say
I don't have any profound words to write. I have worked hard this week and I can see that I am making progress. I am enjoying myself and pushing myself all at the same time. Kung Fu is fabulous.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Training really does make you stronger!

Where am I? What am i doing?
My work has pushed me into areas of growth that I would have left alone if I had a choice. I have not only stood up to a bully, I have grown into the supervisor that I have always dreamed of being. It started out as a self protection type of response to the bully and turned into a stronger more confident way of presenting myself. How is this related to my training? Without my training, I think that I would have given up before I started. Throughout my challenges and personal growth, I continually reminded myself where I was and what I was doing. My self talk contained phrases that included, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger! I really had to dig deep and face some of my biggest fears. A few peps talks from my favorite Sifu to face these things head on and I was good to go.
I now face all challenges head on, instead of avoiding and waiting until I had to. I used my training sessions to draw strengths from. Each time I practiced, participated or taught, I felt stronger and more capable than the day before. I used that strength to face the things that I would rather have avoided.
I am currently preparing for our annual tournament, The Tiger Challenge. It is something that I used to face with a bundle of nerves and a dread that is not easy to admit. I was worried about what people would think of my performance and would I measure up. This year I am focusing on my practice and improving each time that I perform. I am looking forward to challenging myself and seeing what everyone else is going to contribute. I am sure there will be some nerves on the morning of the tournament but I am confident that once we get going, I will learn more about myself and how I perform under pressure. That's the whole point of challenges, right?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
My daughter wrote me a poem and apologized for the lack of rhyme, I let her know (with a tear in my eye) that rhyming didn't really matter.
Here it is:
I've known your love since
I was hours old. Now I
bear myself the awesome duty,
or returning your love, not just today
but everyday. The love you
feel for me is always here in
My heart.
by Katie Kichko
Life doesn't get any better that this.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Robyn Kichko
Here it is:
I've known your love since
I was hours old. Now I
bear myself the awesome duty,
or returning your love, not just today
but everyday. The love you
feel for me is always here in
My heart.
by Katie Kichko
Life doesn't get any better that this.
Until next week, work hard and have fun
Robyn Kichko
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bits and Pieces
I continue to be on a training high, it seems like each time that I do a form or technique, I discover something new to try, to improve, to fix. I Love It. In all the classes that I attended this week, I learned a little something that I could take away to my training. We had our annual forms seminar yesterday and now I have a whole arsenal of things that I need to pay attention to. They all have to do with the six harmonies and getting my hips and shoulders to work together. I am looking forward to spending some time alone to process all that I learned yesterday and figure out how to put it into practice. I am not sure yet how to listen to my whole body at the same time but I am sure that I can figure it out.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sullivan and Kiddog
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What I am thinking about!
I have so many things going on in my brain right now that I am not really sure what to write about. Here is a list in no particular order:
- I am lucky that my family is patient with me
- I love my pet family, especially the cuddling part (yes!boxers do cuddle, you just have to get used to breathing with nearly 100 lbs. on your lap)
- I love my job, especially seeing the personal growth before my very eyes.
- I love kung fu, practicing, learning and teaching
- I am so glad that spring is nearly here (I am not in denial, spring will be here soon)
- I feel stronger and stronger everyday
- I keep running in to people in public places that used to train and are thinking of starting again. I have had opportunities to share my passion.
- I don't understand mean people, do they know that they are mean?
- I worry about where are leaders are leading us, who's agenda is most important to them? The best interest of the people or their own best interest?
- I have the greatest daughter on earth
That's my list, so many thoughts, so little time.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
- I am lucky that my family is patient with me
- I love my pet family, especially the cuddling part (yes!boxers do cuddle, you just have to get used to breathing with nearly 100 lbs. on your lap)
- I love my job, especially seeing the personal growth before my very eyes.
- I love kung fu, practicing, learning and teaching
- I am so glad that spring is nearly here (I am not in denial, spring will be here soon)
- I feel stronger and stronger everyday
- I keep running in to people in public places that used to train and are thinking of starting again. I have had opportunities to share my passion.
- I don't understand mean people, do they know that they are mean?
- I worry about where are leaders are leading us, who's agenda is most important to them? The best interest of the people or their own best interest?
- I have the greatest daughter on earth
That's my list, so many thoughts, so little time.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Fitness Test - Before and After

Today we are going to have a practice fitness test. I am not really sure if I want to do this, I am a little bit nervous about my numbers (what if they are not good enough?), I am a little worried about injury (what if I hurt myself and can't practice for a long time?) and I a little bit chicken to do the whole thing. I was considering canceling the whole thing when I got up this morning, visions of reading my book and drinking my tea were dancing around in my head. I am going and I am going to give it my all.
So I did it and I am very glad. My numbers were better than they have been, I didn't hurt myself and I managed to swallow my chickenness. When I got there, I felt like turning around and leaving. I was totally scared to face me and find out where I was at. I am really good at practicing stuff and doing fitness everyday but I am a big baby when it comes to testing myself. I did it!!! I took a big breath at the beginning of each test and I went as hard as I could. The result is that I feel fantastic.
I am also glad that I started this blog this morning because I am not too sure I could have described my fears as well after they had passed.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Take the public path, I dare you!

It is easy to say that you will travel your journey publicly, it is quite another to do it. It means sharing all your trial as well as your triumphs. It is not as easy as it sounds.
I struggle with my nerves, when I get nervous, I say things that are uncharacteristic and I do things that I am unaware of. I am not even sure if I can explain this very well. My main goal this year is to get a handle on my nerves. This means that I will be able to perform in situations where I am really nervous (such as the black belt test). My plan is to put myself in situations where I am uncomfortable and nervous and try to perform. This week there was some action to my plan and it was pretty scarey. I decided that I needed to break some boards in front of a whole bunch of people. Sounds like a great idea, not so easy to put into practice. The busiest time at the kwoon is between classes, so that was the time that I chose. Two very cool things happened that night; one - I managed to focus on only the task at hand and not on all the people watching and two - I learned that I am not performing as well as I could be and narrowed down what I should be working on. The next thing that I did was volunteer to be in a demonstration for our school. This, I figure, was another good way to test the nerves, be able to perform my form in public. This turned out not too bad as well, I am pretty sure that I got through the whole form, it wasn't my best performance but I learned more about how I move when I am nervous.
All in all a good but hard week. I will continue to share my journey, even the hardest parts to the best of my ability.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What is a black belt?

What is a black belt?
What black belt qualities do I possess? Strengths
What black belt qualities do I lack? Weaknesses
A black belt is someone who is true to themselves, they set a high standard for themselves and they do not compromise it. They work hard and expect nothing less than mastery from themselves and those that they surround themselves with. They accept their weaknesses and work towards improving on them and they build on their strengths. They set an example for others to follow by their constant drive towards mastery in all that they take on.
I set very high standards for myself and I will not compromise them. I work very hard and I am constantly striving for mastery in all that I endeavor. I believe that I set an example for others by not giving up on any of my goals.
I have a difficult time accepting my weaknesses and working towards improving them. I prefer to work on things that I know that will improve and ignore the others (the ones that I think will never get better no matter what I do). What I do to counter this is I work on things that I don’t like as much first during a workout and I force myself to work on the things that I am not sure will ever improve.
Being a martial artist is a journey with no real end, earning a black belt is just part of that journey.
Robyn Kichko
March 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The fear factor
I have been working really hard for the last couple of weeks. There is something about going into the last stretch of six months (before grading) that scares the pants off of me. What has changed for me is that instead of freezing with fear, I have put my fear into high gear and I am working harder than ever. I have added weights to my usual work out which is giving me pleasantly sore muscles, I am pushing myself a little bit more when doing cardio and I feel stronger and I am able to focus on the minute details of my form without isolating myself and concentrating for hours. I am feeling the benefits of all the hard work that I have been doing over the past couple of years and using it to push my kung fu to the next level. I know that I have lots of stuff to do in the next six months but I am confident that I have the tools to complete my list. And every once in a while, I get the butterflies in my stomach that remind me that I also need to deal with my emotional reaction to stressful situations. I got some good advice on the weekend about placing myself in stressful situations, so I can get used to the feelings and learn how to manage them. It looks like I will be seeking opportunities to stress myself out, demonstration anyone?
I have been having an absolutely fabulous time in the last couple of weeks and I feel kinda guilty. There is so much unrest and tragedy throughout our world and I feel helpless to affect much change, all I can change is myself.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
I have been having an absolutely fabulous time in the last couple of weeks and I feel kinda guilty. There is so much unrest and tragedy throughout our world and I feel helpless to affect much change, all I can change is myself.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Not about me
Everything about my journey pales in comparison to the devastation experienced in Japan this past week. My thoughts and prayers are with them this week.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
What do you really mean?
How can you tell the phony from the sincere? I am not sure that I can. I think that I need to take what people say to me at face value and move on. If I begin to worry about their motives and what reaction that they are looking for, I will end up being totally twisted up.
When I communicate with people it is because I want them to know something. I am either sharing something about myself or sharing an observation that I have had about them. If I am at work, I am usually teaching them something. I think that my communication is fairly cut and dried. I don't have ulterior motives and I don't expect others to have them either. I sometimes struggle with clarity in my messages but I am upfront with that as well. I believe that I am a very honest person.
I get confused when people wonder what I meant by what I said, I get frustrated when people tell me that they told me something that they didn't mean, that I should know what they mean. I know that it is sometimes hard and uncomfortable but I don't understand why people can't say what they mean and do what they say. Does that make me naive? I think that it makes me an optimist. I think that people should speak plainly and not say one thing in hopes that others know what they mean.
That is my rant for today, talk to you next week, really... I mean it!
When I communicate with people it is because I want them to know something. I am either sharing something about myself or sharing an observation that I have had about them. If I am at work, I am usually teaching them something. I think that my communication is fairly cut and dried. I don't have ulterior motives and I don't expect others to have them either. I sometimes struggle with clarity in my messages but I am upfront with that as well. I believe that I am a very honest person.
I get confused when people wonder what I meant by what I said, I get frustrated when people tell me that they told me something that they didn't mean, that I should know what they mean. I know that it is sometimes hard and uncomfortable but I don't understand why people can't say what they mean and do what they say. Does that make me naive? I think that it makes me an optimist. I think that people should speak plainly and not say one thing in hopes that others know what they mean.
That is my rant for today, talk to you next week, really... I mean it!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
It's about the journey?

I am very goal-orientated, I enjoy setting goals and giving everything I have to reach them. I always keep the goal in front of me, certain that it is the motivation that I need to keep going. This last little while I have spent quite a bit of time reflecting on how I have changed over the past year or two and where I am going in the next little while. The way that I am thinking is changing, for the better. I have learned to live in the moment and appreciate where I am and what I am doing. My mentor always used to say to me, "It's about the journey, Robyn" and I would think 'what about my next belt?'. I figured that I would get IT when I got to my next color of belt, I didn't. I am not even sure when I started to change or when I stopped looking forward and started looking in the here and now. I am different though, I feel different, I am more aware of what is happening around me, I approach life in a completely different way. I try to learn from each and every encounter that I have everyday and I try to take in new information and figure out a way to use it (instead of dismissing it as something I don't know about).
Being part of the UBBT and embracing the journey that I am on has changed/enhanced every part of me. It is not any one thing, it is all the things (challenges, assignments, goals, support). I knew this would be one of the greatest things that I ever took part in, but I just didn't realize how big it would be until now.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Slogging along
I have had an amazing training year. In the past 12 months, I have experienced many highs in my training and in my life experiences. I am currently in a lull, I feel like I am just slogging along. There are no major breakthroughs, no exciting move to figure out, just putting one foot in front of the other. I guess this is where the rubber meets the road, the true journey to mastery is the one where you just keep going. I am practicing everyday, I am meeting my daily goals, and I will keep on doing so.
I will keep on working hard and having fun and I look forward to the next high.
I will keep on working hard and having fun and I look forward to the next high.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I have nothing to write about right now, I have been staring at this blank screen for an hour, erased six different topics and still have come up blank.
My week consisted of trying to training around my shift work and not attending my regular classes.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
My week consisted of trying to training around my shift work and not attending my regular classes.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's team work, really!
Kung Fu is not a team sport, it is very individual and very personal. You progress as much as you work at it. Each person moves and interprets in their own way, learns at their own speed and teaches from a different perspective. Very individual. BUT....I happen to belong to a group of people that approach the art with the same degree of passion and intent that I do. That makes us a team, capable of accomplishing things together, helping one another and encouraging each other. When we are working together, we all work and contribute what we can to accomplish a common goal. It is an absolutely amazing feeling at the end of the day.
Yesterday, we celebrated Chinese New Years with banquet. We do this annually and it has changes as much as it has stayed the same over the years. I have been involved in it for approx. 8 years and it keeps getting better each year. Each year, a great deal of thought and planning goes into the program and a great deal of organizing goes into making it happen. And each year, it just gets better and better. Last night was absolutely amazing in many respects. The program was slightly different but more awe inspiring then ever before. Each new performance gave me ideas on how to improve my art and things that I can work towards. The awards and promotions were equally inspiring, giving me goals to set my sights on. The "work" to set up and take down all the stuff was fun and entertaining. Everyone brought their best to the project and no one felt the burden of too much work or not enough volunteers. It was a fantastic evening and I am blessed to be a part of such an amazing team.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Back in the physical game
What a fantastic week!!!
I began the week by taking it easy and testing what I could do, it felt a bit like dipping my toe in the water to test the temperature. Each day, I felt like I could do more and more, by the end of the week, I felt like there were no limits. Friday and Saturday consisted of hours on end concentrating on Kung Fu, forms and techniques. The coolest part is that I don't feel like I missed anything. I stayed engaged in my kung fu throughout my illness by focusing on Tai Chi and keeping up on my reading and writing. Another thing that I did different was to attend class and dress for it. Usually, I go to the kwoon and sit on the bench but instead, I put on my uniform, even though I couldn't participate 100%. I am still immersed in my training and moving forward.
I am looking forward to the Chinese New Years Banquet that we are having next weekend. It will be a bit different this year as we usually celebrate the promotion of some people to black belt. This year there will not be any new black belts, so we can focus on the celebration of the new year. I have gotten a peek at some of the performances that will happen and they look pretty cool. It should prove to be a great time. As a sihing, part of my responsibilities next weekend will be to make sure the whole thing runs smoothly, luckily I am part of an amazing team. This begins with greeting the guests and continues throughout the banquet as we clear the tables and get the kids ready for their demonstrations. I love doing this as it gives me an opportunity to visit with people that I don't usually see and hang out in a different setting with my training partners.
I will do 1000 push ups and sit ups on the first day of the New Year, to start the year off with a bang.
I began the week by taking it easy and testing what I could do, it felt a bit like dipping my toe in the water to test the temperature. Each day, I felt like I could do more and more, by the end of the week, I felt like there were no limits. Friday and Saturday consisted of hours on end concentrating on Kung Fu, forms and techniques. The coolest part is that I don't feel like I missed anything. I stayed engaged in my kung fu throughout my illness by focusing on Tai Chi and keeping up on my reading and writing. Another thing that I did different was to attend class and dress for it. Usually, I go to the kwoon and sit on the bench but instead, I put on my uniform, even though I couldn't participate 100%. I am still immersed in my training and moving forward.
I am looking forward to the Chinese New Years Banquet that we are having next weekend. It will be a bit different this year as we usually celebrate the promotion of some people to black belt. This year there will not be any new black belts, so we can focus on the celebration of the new year. I have gotten a peek at some of the performances that will happen and they look pretty cool. It should prove to be a great time. As a sihing, part of my responsibilities next weekend will be to make sure the whole thing runs smoothly, luckily I am part of an amazing team. This begins with greeting the guests and continues throughout the banquet as we clear the tables and get the kids ready for their demonstrations. I love doing this as it gives me an opportunity to visit with people that I don't usually see and hang out in a different setting with my training partners.
I will do 1000 push ups and sit ups on the first day of the New Year, to start the year off with a bang.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I continue to work within the limitations of my illness. I finished the meds the doctor gave me and the infection came back, so I am on a different med. It seems to be helping so I am trying hard to keep my end of the bargain by resting and not over doing it. I am really challenged to take it easy when I am at the kwoon because I feel fabulous when I am there and rarely feel like I have any limits.
I have had three major ah-ha moments this weekend while working on my Tai Chi. I am really enjoying working on it everyday and I am really grateful for this goal. I am feeling more and more aware of how I move and how to move from one move to the other. It feels like it is really coming along.
I have also made some head way with my form, while slowing it down, it became glaringly apparent that I was not sure of some of the moves. I did it wrong throughout my workout the other day, and it felt wrong but I wasn't sure what exactly was going on. Once I got straightened out, it felt much better and I am pretty sure that I will not forget that sequence.
I have not done as much work as I would have liked on my meditation and I am not totally sure what is going on there. I got my book off the shelf to read and haven't read it yet. I keep promising myself that I will make time later for some meditation but I don't. I clearly need to explore why I am avoiding this goal so I can move forward. I usually avoid things that I am afraid that I won't be good at, so I think that is a starting place for exploration.
That was my week in a nut shell,
Robyn Kichko
I have had three major ah-ha moments this weekend while working on my Tai Chi. I am really enjoying working on it everyday and I am really grateful for this goal. I am feeling more and more aware of how I move and how to move from one move to the other. It feels like it is really coming along.
I have also made some head way with my form, while slowing it down, it became glaringly apparent that I was not sure of some of the moves. I did it wrong throughout my workout the other day, and it felt wrong but I wasn't sure what exactly was going on. Once I got straightened out, it felt much better and I am pretty sure that I will not forget that sequence.
I have not done as much work as I would have liked on my meditation and I am not totally sure what is going on there. I got my book off the shelf to read and haven't read it yet. I keep promising myself that I will make time later for some meditation but I don't. I clearly need to explore why I am avoiding this goal so I can move forward. I usually avoid things that I am afraid that I won't be good at, so I think that is a starting place for exploration.
That was my week in a nut shell,
Robyn Kichko
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Good for your soul

I love music in many shapes and sizes, it has a very positive affect on my mood. I love to listen to it loudly and feel totally immersed in it. I think that I could express myself musically if that was my chosen venue of expression. I admire people who can play musical instruments and who can sing, I possess none of those skills but I admire them greatly. I like old music,new music, fast or slow music and any way that I can get it music. I love it. I like serious, send a message songs, I like silly, fun to sing along songs and I like songs that tell a story, inspire, brighten and encourage everyone. I rarely go anywhere without music, I have an ipod that I put as much music on as I can. I believe that music is good for the soul and good for what ails you.
I use music in my work outs to help me push harder, some songs make me run faster! I also enjoy quieter, softer music to cool down to. I attend a fitness class that uses music to help get us pumped up and it works, I can feel the beat with my whole body. I always have music on in my house, it is not always loud but it always there. I could not imagine my life without background music.
My training this week was pretty slim, I am still recovering from bronchitis so I don't have a lot of wind. I am working on my form very slowly and this is helping me pay close attention to each and every detail. It is helping me realize that I don't fully understand all the moves which is exactly what I was looking for, now I have something to hang onto and sink my teeth into. I look forward to figuring this form out.
I did have an opportunity to train at the kwoon with a whole bunch of people. What a rush! There was lion dance practice, small groups practicing forms, stretching, chatting, there was so much energy in there that it was incredible. I totally thrived in that environment, I stayed focused, working on my techniques, I stayed totally in the moment. It was a fabulous training session.
I just completed my 1000 push ups and sit ups and I feel fantastic.
Have a great week everyone!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Using opportunity that arise
I was so excited last week to start a new year of goals,and now I am sick with bronchitis. I am still excited but I can't do many physical things this week. I did start working on my loa gar form and received some excellent feedback from some of my training partners. I like to let stuff like that soak into my brain, so I guess that it is blessing that I am not able to do anything physical, I can just let my brain soak it in. I also have some research and written assignments that I can work on while I am convalescing (is that a word?). I will not let this opportunity to work on my written assignments pass. I am not sleeping all the time now so I don't have any excuse to not get it done.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New me?
New year, new me? Probably not but I can improve on what I am. I think that is why I pour so much into being a martial artist, to be better. I am often asked why I do some of the things that I do, 1000 push ups, boot camp, forms marathon. I usual answer because I can. I think the real answers is because I love the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of being part of something bigger than me, and I love doing it. It doesn't matter what part of kung fu it is; sparring, forms, fitness, tai chi, kicks, techniques, combinations, I love it all. I know that I always say this, only because it is true. I am blessed to have found a home for my passion and a cool group of people to share that passion with.
Some of the things that I am going to focus on this year are; improving my forms (sounds suspiciously like last year's goal, it is, I now think that I actually know how to do it.), improving my kicks (accuracy, speed, timing - sound familiar?), I will continue to work on me (does that sound vague? - it seems like a lot to explain in a list of goals - the short version - I will be more assertive and stand up for myself and face adversity), I will continue to focus on acts of kindness with a twist ( I will spread the word, helping others is cool!). I am very excited about starting a new year with refined goals, I grew so much last year that I can hardly believe it, I can't wait to meet the challenges of this year.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Some of the things that I am going to focus on this year are; improving my forms (sounds suspiciously like last year's goal, it is, I now think that I actually know how to do it.), improving my kicks (accuracy, speed, timing - sound familiar?), I will continue to work on me (does that sound vague? - it seems like a lot to explain in a list of goals - the short version - I will be more assertive and stand up for myself and face adversity), I will continue to focus on acts of kindness with a twist ( I will spread the word, helping others is cool!). I am very excited about starting a new year with refined goals, I grew so much last year that I can hardly believe it, I can't wait to meet the challenges of this year.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
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