Sunday, July 24, 2011

I can't wait 'til.....

How many times have I said that? Probably too many!!!!
I understand the concept of living in the moment but I have a really hard time applying it to the bigger picture. I can narrow my focus and attend to what I doing (be in the moment) but a part of me is planning or thinking about the rest of the day or the rest of the week. I love to plan, schedule and set goals, it is part of what makes me tick. If asked to attend something, I would automatically begin to arrange that day to make it fit.
Here is how it has gotten in my way lately; I was all excited to start my holidays and not have to minutely plan everyday in order to meet my daily goals. When I am at work, I need to plan each day so that I can maximize my workout and at home times. I couldn't wait to start my holidays so that I wouldn't have to do that. Unfortunately that tight schedule is what I thrive on, so all month I have been trying to figure out how come I am not motivated to get stuff done, it has merely been that I have too much time on my hands and not enough of a tight schedule.
I sometimes find myself wishing and waiting for the next thing instead of enjoying what is happening right now. I am not really sure how to stop this or re-focus myself but I do know that being aware of it is half the battle. I am sure that meditation will help me figure out how to stay in the moment. That seems to be a theme lately, it must mean something.........

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