Sunday, August 7, 2011

New and Old

All day I have wondered what I am going to write about this week. I feel like every topic is a re-run of something that I have already written about. That is exactly what this journey is about, doing something over and over again until you get it right. I once heard a pastor speak about lessons being presented to you over and over again until you understood the message and acted upon it. Well, that is what my journey is about, learning, trying, testing, practicing, exploring over and over again, until I figure out the answer.
This week has been challenging because I have bronchitis once again. It is not as bad as it has been other times, but still requires me to modify my activities. Instead of two to three hours of hard core fitness and forms, I went slowly. I didn't complete as many reps, and I didn't perform any cardiovascular fetes, but I did mindfully practice for the same amount of time that I usually do. This is a step in the right direction.
I returned to work this week, after a month of being away from there. I did not enjoy the change in schedule and not seeing my family as much. I did enjoy seeing my clients and my team mates. I feel much calmer at work than I have before, I am sure that it has happened gradually but due to my absence, I am really noticing it. I am finding that I am not getting excited about things that I can't do anything about. This is a definite improvement.
I work really hard in my group of training mates to ensure that everyone feels supported and has everything they need to train hard core. I continue to be amazed that I am lucky enough to be a part of this group. I encourage everyone to reach out to a training mate and see if they want to work together, want to be your partner, want to practice together. The risk is well worth it.
That is what is new and old with me, until next week,
Work hard and have fun!

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