Monday, August 22, 2011

Bullies! Who needs them?

Each time I sit down to write (possible make a video) about bullies and how to guard against them, I find that yet another one has wound it's way into my space. I am confronted with the many emotions that come along with an attack and I am challenged to separate myself from those emotions so that I can do what I set out to do. I realize as I write this that I am in exactly the right place to be writing about bullies. I can't wait until the storm has passed and then analyze the situation and gain some perspective, I need to write now while I am in the throws of it and can identify first hand what is happening.
I don't think that I am quite ready to explore my emotions on this, I have been trying to put them into to words for the last half of an hour and have not been successful. I have learned from writing this that I need to put some serious time into identifying my emotions and explaining them and dealing with them.
Until next week, work hard and have fun

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