Sunday, September 18, 2011


My journey has not been without the help and support of most of the people in my life. My immediate circle has been patient and understanding and willing to take up the slack while I am busy with kempo. My extended circle has supported me unconditionally and without my asking. I have one such amazing story to share.
I used to work with this guy named Richard (the psychologist in the program) and he would always ask me about my kung fu journey. He listened attentively over the years as I shared my triumphs and obstacles and seemed to enjoy most of my stories. He always had ideas on how to over come what I was struggling with and cheered when I shared my successes, I enjoyed our chats together. One day I mentioned to him that I had to read this book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and I needed to do so with enough attention to answer some questions about it after. I shared with Richard my frustration with my reading as I didn't always understand what the author was talking about and therefore felt stupid, creating more road blocks, etc. Richard suggested that we read it together, having reading assignments and then checking in with each other. This worked great until I put the book aside in frustration once again. His response to this was to buy me that audio version of the book to listen to in my vehicle. What a great idea! I listened to the book and got enough out of it that I could sit down with the book, finish reading it and answer the necessary questions. When I finally finished, I excitedly went to Richard and shared the ah-ha moment that occurred when I completed the assignment and understood the purpose of it. I don't think that anyone else could have been prouder of me. He may also have been relieved that we were finally done with the assignment after three years and ready to move on to something else.
Today I attended a celebration of Richard's life and discovered that I wasn't the only one that he supported and encouraged. I will miss you my friend and I will always cherish the impact that you had on me.

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