I love music in many shapes and sizes, it has a very positive affect on my mood. I love to listen to it loudly and feel totally immersed in it. I think that I could express myself musically if that was my chosen venue of expression. I admire people who can play musical instruments and who can sing, I possess none of those skills but I admire them greatly. I like old music,new music, fast or slow music and any way that I can get it music. I love it. I like serious, send a message songs, I like silly, fun to sing along songs and I like songs that tell a story, inspire, brighten and encourage everyone. I rarely go anywhere without music, I have an ipod that I put as much music on as I can. I believe that music is good for the soul and good for what ails you.
I use music in my work outs to help me push harder, some songs make me run faster! I also enjoy quieter, softer music to cool down to. I attend a fitness class that uses music to help get us pumped up and it works, I can feel the beat with my whole body. I always have music on in my house, it is not always loud but it always there. I could not imagine my life without background music.
My training this week was pretty slim, I am still recovering from bronchitis so I don't have a lot of wind. I am working on my form very slowly and this is helping me pay close attention to each and every detail. It is helping me realize that I don't fully understand all the moves which is exactly what I was looking for, now I have something to hang onto and sink my teeth into. I look forward to figuring this form out.
I did have an opportunity to train at the kwoon with a whole bunch of people. What a rush! There was lion dance practice, small groups practicing forms, stretching, chatting, there was so much energy in there that it was incredible. I totally thrived in that environment, I stayed focused, working on my techniques, I stayed totally in the moment. It was a fabulous training session.
I just completed my 1000 push ups and sit ups and I feel fantastic.
Have a great week everyone!
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