Sunday, March 6, 2011

What do you really mean?

How can you tell the phony from the sincere? I am not sure that I can. I think that I need to take what people say to me at face value and move on. If I begin to worry about their motives and what reaction that they are looking for, I will end up being totally twisted up.
When I communicate with people it is because I want them to know something. I am either sharing something about myself or sharing an observation that I have had about them. If I am at work, I am usually teaching them something. I think that my communication is fairly cut and dried. I don't have ulterior motives and I don't expect others to have them either. I sometimes struggle with clarity in my messages but I am upfront with that as well. I believe that I am a very honest person.
I get confused when people wonder what I meant by what I said, I get frustrated when people tell me that they told me something that they didn't mean, that I should know what they mean. I know that it is sometimes hard and uncomfortable but I don't understand why people can't say what they mean and do what they say. Does that make me naive? I think that it makes me an optimist. I think that people should speak plainly and not say one thing in hopes that others know what they mean.
That is my rant for today, talk to you next week, really... I mean it!

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