Friday, July 4, 2014

Acts of Kindness

Our wonderful team decided that we would do random acts of kindness for each other. We chose names, and are to do unanimous acts of kindness for that person throughout the year. Today I received one such act! What a great surprise! Thank you kind person, Katie and I had a great evening together and are planning what we can do together next week. You definitely made my day better.
My kind acts for the day;
1. Stopped to let an elderly lady cross the street
2. Held open the door for an elderly lady with a cane at the library
3. Helped someone at the grocery store
4. Shared my happiness and made people smile at the movie theater
5. Chatted with a man and his dog at the park
6. I said good morning to everyone I saw on my walk this morning
An act of kindness in defined by the recipient, when I make people smile, I think - I was just kind to that person.

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