This first week has been great. I thoroughly enjoyed all the classes that I attended this week. From learning cool techniques with the blue/brown class to tai chi and sweating at Shoalin, it has been a very good week. I feel like I am right where I need to be to maximize my potential.
I had an ah-ha moment the other day when I learned that something that I am struggling to understand, does not need to be understood right now. I can accept that I will understand one day, it was the fight to understand that was frustrating and hurting my brain. I can move forward knowing that the light will eventually turn on.
I also learned this week that I can't just move my body in a way that someone is telling me, I have to know what the move is for and understand it's purpose. I am still struggling to fully actualize the move but I am confident that it will come with time and practice.
I really feel like I am staying mindful throughout my days. At the end of each day, I sit down and review what I learned and what I accomplished and it feels good. Each day, I feel like I am making strides forward, to be a better person and to be a better martial artists. It is not always easy, and the struggle is somewhat tiring at times, but it feels great to accomplish something everyday.
I feel on top of the world and ready to conquer any of the challenges that this year brings.
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