Saturday, October 11, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

First of all, I totally thought that I wrote my blog last night....I had my computer open and everything...I'm not really sure what happened. I had a really weird day, I felt weird and shaky all day long, so much so that I didn't want to drive. So I had to miss my favorite class, one that I haven't been able to go to for what feels like a really long time. I am not sure what causes it or how to make it go away, it usually goes away in a day or two.
Today we celebrated Thanksgiving because of my work schedule. We talked about what we are thankful for and my number one is Jim and Katie. I am also thankful for my amazing work team, my kung fu friends, God, my career, the opportunities that I have had to grow into the person that I am, my amazing pet family, my brother and his wife and my friends. I feel very lucky 99% of the time and that is pretty cool.
Ms. Gibbons I hope that meets your challenge :)

1 comment:

Tania Brinker said...

Totally missed you this week! Hope things settle into s good routine for you.