Tuesday, May 13, 2014

sit ups

I think that I need to change/improve my sit ups. Today I was doing my routine and it didn't seem as hard or challenging as it used to. Which, of course, makes sense! If you do the same exercise every day, you are bound to make some muscles and therefore the exercises are easier. Now, I know that the purpose of the whole thing isn't to make it harder/more challenging. But I'm thinking, if I'm going to do it anyways, I might as well make some killer abs while I'm at it! Any ideas anyone? I'm thinking of adding weights, as in, holding the weight while I sit up?


Unknown said...

Do you have an exercise ball? That puts a whole new dimension on core work.

Vince Krebs said...

Every time we do those little woosy crunches in class I find it just destroys me in comparison to situps. Not sure why. Also at the gym or anywhere you can get an incline bench might help out!