Sunday, May 4, 2014

More forms news

I certainly had a great form day yesterday, some of it was kind of painful when I tried to get my body and brain on the same page but the results were fantastic. I learned some tips and tricks from Sifu Hayes last night and continue to learn more as I practice and more and more of his words come back to me. Does that ever happen to you? You get tonnes of great advise that you are not sure you can possibly take in, but you actually do and it comes back to you when you are ready for it? Well, I think that happened to me. I kept going back to Sifu with more questions and ended up with more information then I thought that I could assimilate, but I was wrong! It is all in my head and it will come out when it is ready, too cool!!!!
Anyways, back to my form...the things that he showed me has changed my flow, my trajectory, my feelings, my motivation to practice more....the list seems endless. I am excited to continue my practice tomorrow and see what happens. :)

1 comment:

Yitzik said...

Like I said. You are on to something. You will have to share it!