Monday, September 22, 2014

get up and go....left!

What is up with me? Well, I'm sure you figured something was coming since I haven't blogged in two weeks! I'm having a hard time getting anything done, with each plan I make comes many excuses and reasons why it won't work out. I seem to have a million of them . I'm sure that part of the problem is that I have not been at the kwoon much in the last little while and that is definitely my grounding place. It seems like each time a make a conscious decision not to attend a class, then life completely gets in the way for a few weeks after that. This week I am working Wed - Fri evening and then Sat and Sun during the day. Missing many of my favorite days of classes. It seems like being sick a week ago zapped all my get up and go, I'm still really tired and I am having trouble staying awake through parts of the day. I'm trying to eat really healthy and keep my energy up and that seems to be keeping me barely hanging on.
I am thinking of the things that I should be doing, could be doing and then coming up with reasons/excuses why I won't. I have really struggled throughout this whole year to keep my spirits up, to complete my commitments, to stay suddenly seems way to hard for me.
I suppose that it would be good if I had this all figured out and was now presenting a solution but I don't have one.


Ian Repay said...

I can relate to what you are going through. I have been working away from home for the past three weeks. Great blog and appreciate understanding what your going through.

Melanie Beckett said...

Everyone goes through this at points. Don't get too down on yourself. Every day is a new day, you'll figure it out. I'm sure you will.

Lindsay Gibbons said...

You are one of the most dedicating, inspiring people I know because I see how you are able to pull yourself through these times. You are an admirable person. Don't give up!