Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fall has arrived.....

It seems like summer is over. I went back to work on the 19th of August and we have not had decent summer weather since. We have had beautiful fall weather - there is a smell in the air that is fresh and cold and promises of long nights snuggled under the blankets with a good book. I don't mind fall, in fact, I kind of like it, it is my reset time. I don't like that it means that winter is on its way. I am not a big fan of winter, unless I am participating in winter sports. I don't like to have to do stuff when it is too cold and snowy to be outside. When I was young, I lived in northern Sask., and it was very cold in the winter. When it was super cold, we stayed indoors and did fun stuff. When it wasn't minus 40, we played outside - skiing, tobogganing, building snow forts, you get the idea. So I guess that is how I would like winter to still be - stay in when it is cold and play when it is not. Where do you think that I can sign up for that?
In order to pass the winter without getting too cranky, I am going to train for a triathlon in the spring. At the end of May actually. I am super excited, my brother has completed one IronMan and a few triathlons and is going to help me create a training plan. I am looking forward to spending more time with my brother and getting better at swimming, biking and running.

1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

Anyone interested in training for a triathlon? let me know, it would be fun to do it with others. we don't necessarily have to do the stuff together, just offer support and encouragement (sound familiar?)