Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm having a hard time putting pen to paper (so to speak), I have many things going on and yet nothing wants to come out.
I'll keep trying:)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blogging has value

I think that I want to write about my journey, but I am not exactly sure what that is going to look like. Kung Fu has changed my life so much, that I don't know where to begin to talk about it. I guess I can start at the beginning. In 2003, I attended my first Chinese New Year and Black Belt Ceremony and I was blown away by the stories that I heard. I was so moved by the one journey that I heard that I leaned over and whispered to my husband, one day, I would like to do something like that. At first, it didn't seem possible and there seemed to be many obstacles in my way and it seemed like one of those dreams that you take out every once in while and sigh about. One day, I learned that there was a way around some of the obstacles and there were people willing to help me over the others. When I look back over the past five years, some of the obstacles that seemed so challenging at the time, now appear to have been easy. I just needed to push myself. For example, getting up at 7:00 am for the morning class after working until 11:00 pm the night before. At times it seemed impossible, now it is just part of what I do because I love Kung Fu.
I am sure that I have many more obstacles to face but I am confident that I can find a way around them and that I have the supports in place to help me.

This was my very first blog ever! Mar.01,2008!!! I can't believe that it has been more than five years, that is a lot of blogs. I didn't really see the value when I first started but I trusted my instructors so I tried it. It turns out that I don't mind blogging at all, I kinda like it. Every Sunday, no matter how tired  I am, I sit down and write about what is most prevalent in my mind. It is not always Kung Fu, but is definitely Kung fu related. On this path towards mastery, everything has value, it is the only way!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Yesterday was a great Kung Fu day! It was great to start the day off practicing forms with some of my favorite people. When you practice alone a lot, it is very refreshing to bounce ideas off others and to also see what they have been up to. I also really like the feeling at the Kwoon during Pandamonium, everyone works together to get stuff done, there is always lot's of laughs and I always walk away feeling like I was part of something great that day! Yesterday was like that!!!
I have been working on making my lungs work better, this has included modifying some of my activities and adding some that I should have been doing all along. I need to allow my body to rest and heal but I also still need to do stuff. So I have been trying to rest more, not pack as many things into each day, and I am trying to do my Tai Chi form everyday as this is really good for my lungs. I remember a few years ago, one of my goals was to do Tai Chi everyday and I really enjoyed it, was able to reach a relaxed state easier, and then I stopped 'cause of stupid reasons probably and I really missed it. So hopefully it won't take too long to make it a habit again.
I have been working especially hard at my diet, not the OMG I have to lose weight kind, the I sure would like to feel better kind. So I have been paying attention to how my body reacts to different foods and food groups and trying not to eat anything to disrupt the delicate balance that I have created. I have been living the dream and feeling pretty good in my stomach for the last few months.
This post feels a little rambley but that is how I feel today, so that is how it is.