I have spent most of my adult life fighting my natural tendencies. I stay up late at night for work or for fun (I love a good movie night) and drag my butt through the next day. I love to get up early and do stuff and I didn't know that about myself until I joined my first UBBT team as a student. The only way to fit all the things that I wanted to into each day was to get up earlier. The more I trained the happier I was and the earlier that I would get up. Sometimes, common sense says, if you go to bed at midnight, you shouldn't get up at 5 am and expect to have a productive day. So I don't always get up early, I am working on making my shifts match my natural tendencies, but I do try to get up early enough to train before I do anything else. It is not just about getting the stuff out of the way, it is about starting the day off on the right foot. In my opinion there is nothing better than getting up because you want to and practicing what you love to do before you have to do anything else. This has also opened up many other time saving opportunities for me, did you know that not many people are in the grocery stores at 8 am? I can get my food in half the time when there are only two or three other customers. I started walking my dog before the days got too warm earlier in the summer and before I knew it, I was out of the house at 6 am and fully enjoying a peaceful walk before the day got busy. I have yet to master doing forms outside with the dog along for company (she always wants to join the imaginary fight during forms) but I am going to keep trying. Maybe when she is older, she will just lay in the grass and patiently wait until I am done! ( Well, I can dream!!!)
That is what is on my mind today, until next week, work hard and have fun!
1 comment:
Welcome to the morning insanity group Sifu!!
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