Robyn Kichko’s I Ho Chuan Goals 2012
I will not quit
I will log and complete 50,000 pushups or equivalent ( lat pull downs,
flys, pull ups, tricep and bicep curls) - early in the year I discovered that I was hurting my shoulders more and more, so I decided to do 50,000 kicks instead and work with weights to improve the strength in my shoulders and supporting muscles.
I will build towards and complete 10 pull ups by the end of the year - still working on this.
I will log and complete 50,000 kicks - 25,050 - I know that my numbers will get back on track as soon as my toes heal.
I will log and complete 50,000 sit ups - 34,350
I will complete 1000 rounds of sparring - 527 minutes
I will log and complete 1000 acts of kindness - 641
I will log and complete 1000 miles (1609 km) running, walking, swimming
or biking - 913.62
I will work towards mastering my stick form by logging and completing at
least 1000 reps and seeking feedback from my teachers and peers. - 56 - hopefully this will improve as my shoulders heal more
I will work towards mastering my nunchucks form by logging and
completing at least 1000 reps and seeking feedback from my teachers and peers - 756 totally continuing to love this form
I will mend a relationship - this is harder than I thought, it takes risk and accepting of responsibility for one's lack of action.
I will participate in and help organize the adopt a driveway program - I love being a part of this program, I am going to create a video of our participants and recipients
I will participate in and help organize the annual renovations of our
kwoon - I plan to be at the kwoon each day this week, doing whatever I can to help make it an awesome place to hang out.
I will research, organize and lead a group of people to become actively
involved in volunteering in the community on a weekly basis - this one is still in the planning stages and I am not quite ready to reveal it.
I will spend one weekend learning how to ride a motorcycyle - I continue to chicken out on this, in the winter I have myself totally convinced that I want this and that I am capable, but as soon as it is nice out, I chicken out. I thought if it was a public goal, I would push myself further and I did, I chose the course but I did not call to set it up.
I will take tennis lessons, either from a friend at work or from the
tennis club in Spruce Grove - I have taken exactly one tennis lesson this year and I loved it.
I will continue to blog about my kung fu journey in my weekly blog - my life journey and my kung fu journey are one in the same, that is what I write about each week.
I will maintain my page- this is up to date, I was going to change it last week but realized that I have grown into the words that I so hopefully wrote in January
I will compete in the annual Tiger Challenge - I am hoping that we can gather enough interest to organize and run a challenge.
I will learn to Lion Dance - I allowed an opportunity to pass in June, so I have been kicking myself and looking for another ever since, perhaps I will have to create an opportunity!
I will qualify and perform in at least three public performances - one at the library in January, the Chinese New Year's Celebration, and one at an elementary school for a group of young ladies
I will memorize and recite Mastery by Stuart Emery - I probably could not stand and recite the whole thing word for word but each day I recite a part of it to help me stay on my path to mastery
I will qualify to teach at the annual forms seminar - I have been teaching the nunchucks form since January, does that mean that I qualify? Only if pouring your heart into it is the measure.