Sunday, July 8, 2012

My computer cat!

I wish I had a picture of my crazy cat sitting on my computer, this will have to do. So I write this really nice blog about my emotions ruling my world and my big plans to take back control and I wasn't sure how to end it. I decided to putter around my kitchen, making potato salad for supper and cleaning, etc. and in the meantime thinking about what to write next. Seems like a good plan, right? Well, I was nearly finished and I look over at my laptop and there was my adorable cat, sitting on my keyboard! My computer automatically saves so I wasn't too worried, at first, upon closer inspection, it seems like my crafty little critter managed to erase and delete the whole thing and then start a new one! Of course, he didn't type any real words, just lot's of plus signs.
I will take my cue from him and remember that if you are positive then positive comes back at you. I will continue to live that way, even when there are bumps in the road.
This is what Rascal has to say:
Sifu Kichko

1 comment:

linda shipalesky said...

that cat is so cute, hmm maybe he's onto something with computers , if it doesn't work the first time lay on it more satisfying :-)