Today was an amazing day. I went to the track and pushed myself harder than I have in quite some time and it felt great. I have been making excuses for the last couple of months for not doing it, but I think that I was really afraid to see if I still have it in me. While I was training for my black belt, I always did one more mile, 50 more push ups, one more rep and so on and I loved it. I loved seeing how hard I could go and be smiling like a fiend when it was over. My focus changed for a few months and I swore that I would get back to business as soon as I could. I have been working out; going for shorter runs than are my usual and always with a running commentary in my head telling me that I can't go as hard as before. Today, I got back to business, I didn't listen to the voice, at 5 km, I decided that I would push a little and see what happens. I soon as I got going, that feeling came back. The one that has been missing. I ran for nearly 9 km and I was exhausted and smiling when it was over. In fact, as I write this I am still smiling.
I think that is also what has been missing from my I Ho Chaun challenge, I know that I can do my daily requirements every day and complete my goals. I know that I need to push myself in order to complete my goals and feel satisified and today I proved it to myself once again.
I am definitely back in business and loving it.
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