Someone I know is trying to bully me. This is not an easy thing to handle. It doesn't matter how well trained you are, how many workshops that you attend or how strong you think you are, they will still try. They take small amounts of information about you and use it to cast doubt, inflict pain, and prove that they are better than you are. I know all the reasons why he is doing it, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. It has been a month of continual conflict with this person and it is getting old. I know that when you stand up to a bully, they try harder to win and it is difficult at first, but if you persevere they will eventually stop. I think that I am at the part where they are trying harder and have been for the last month, at each level they just keep pushing and pushing. It is difficult to stand strong but that is what I am doing, that is what I have been trained to do.
I was going to wait to write about this when it was over but that is what I always do. Then I write a nice blog about how it turned out great and I grew tons and tons. Well, I am growing and it hurts and it is not very much fun. I have to concentrate really hard when I am training so that it doesn't interfere, and once I get going I totally forget about everything except what I am doing (Too cool!). I have to measure all my words so that nothing can be used against me. This is also good for me because I have a tendency to speak now and think later, it is very challenging but I am getting there. I know that good will come from this, I am on a steep growing curve. Since Oct.23rd, everything has meaning and every moment is an opportunity to grow, learn and succeed.
Until next week, work hard and have fun.
Hello Sihing,
Stay posative and remember that every obstacle is an opptunity for growth.
Mr. Ian Repay
Hand in there Sihing! You are the strong one here. Document everything and don't stop being you.
Sherri Donohue
Hi Sihing Kicko
I was bullied by an Senior Manager a few years back and it was hard for me too and not a lot of fun. It still bothers me today that it happened but, what goes around comes around and for her it did. What doesn't break you makes you stronger and you are a strong person from what I can see. It has made me stronger for sure and if it happens again, I will know how to handle it.
Susan Crawford
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