I can't believe how fast time is going. Each day, I try to pack in everything that I can, training and domestic stuff. I am performing at a much higher level than ever before and time is just whizzing by. It doesn't seem that long ago that I would be totally gassed after spending the day training, now I come home and keep going. I think that I can also tell the difference between being really tired and my mind trying to convince my body to throw in the towel. I feel like I am in charge of my training and the direction that my life is going and I like it. I have often felt that I should do this and I have to do that, and right now I am doing exactly what it is that I want and need to do. I think this may be the living definition of being in the moment.
My training is going well. I have been working on my kicks for some time and I think that I may have had a break through this week. They feel different when I am powering up and when I am hitting the bag, I can feel the energy start to move through my leg until it releases at the bag. I can't do this each and every time but I think that I know what I am working towards now.
My forms continue to change daily, sometimes I feel good and I think that my forms look good too, on other days if I am not feeling it, I think that my forms look awful. I have yet to figure out if it is my head or my body that is leading the charge on this one. I am suspicious of the head on this one. My cardio is improving slowly, I did not realize how long and how much work it would take to get some strength and endurance back in this area. I know that I have come a long way from the very slow walks that I was taking at Christmas time, I sometimes lose sight of that and expect to be able to do what I could at this time last year. On the days that I can accept my limitations, I think that I perform better than on the days where I fight it. Hmmm...could be a pattern here.
I am continuing to read as much as I can about improving myself, I am reading some stuff about other people's journeys and finding that pretty interesting. I think that I can relate to some of the struggles that others have experienced. This helps me stay focused on my bigger picture.
I am struggling to write my progress down in more than one place. I write in my journal everyday to keep track of my training, but I am not as consistent in entering the data on the PhysOut site. I will work to improve this as it is more time consuming to add up a week's worth of numbers to put in than it is to do it daily.
So that is where I am at, working hard, enjoying the improvements that I am seeing and still working hard at what I think are my deficits. Until next time, work hard and have fun.
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