Monday, March 29, 2010

Forms Marathon

So I'm talking to Sifu Brinker a couple of weeks ago and I say, 'Hey, are we going to do that forms marathon, again?'. A couple minutes later, we are talking about something else and I am organizing the marathon. I honestly don't know how he does that, not only was I organizing it, I was totally excited about the challenge. Armed with a list of things to take care of, I was off and running. I thoroughly enjoyed the project, everyone I talked to was willing to help and do anything that was necessary. I must admit that I had a few moments of panic when I wasn't sure that we would be able to accomplish our mission but my fellow students came through in the end. Somewhere along the way, it didn't make a difference whether we completed the mission ( 24 hours of non-stop forms), it mattered that we worked together and had a great time doing it.
I had an amazing training experience to boot. I decided that I would concentrate only on Kempo 3 while I was at the marathon. I couldn't believe the level of focus I was able to achieve, my eye for detail improved and I was able to make some fundamental changes in how I do the form. I also had the privilege of watching my daughter reclaim a form that she had forgotten that she knew. She not only remembered all the moves, she was able to add her own style to it. During our evening shift, we were exposed to many different forms, from tai chi to the long spear form. It was really neat to see fellow students doing their favorite forms. All in all, it was a great experience.

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