Take two minutes........
This video has been passed around many times, but it is worth watching again and again.
Sihing Kichko
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
This is Sadie

This is Sadie. She is the newest addition to my family. She is amazing. She seems to think that it is her job to make sure that everyone in the house is loved equally. She spends time with each of us; cuddling, chewing, chasing, or playing. She seems to think that she is in charge of what we need or want. I am okay with that, so far she is doing a great job. She is four months old and on a mission to discover this world that we live in. Have you ever experienced our world through a puppies eyes? Everything is new and exciting. Grocery days are just like present days. She checks each bag for treasures, sometimes she has to double check a bag and ends up wearing an empty bag around the kitchen. It is just part of the adventure. The broom was invented for her. She enjoys chasing it, trying to ride it and if all else fails, she tries to conquer it by stealing it. The bed is a large soft play ground, invented for her so that she won't get hurt as she learns to tumble. She doesn't know yet that boxers don't tumble very often, she doesn't care, she is going to learn anyways. She believes that leaves were meant to be chased and butterflys were meant to be followed and that she was put on this earth so that all that meet her can smile. She is full of love and is very willing to share with the world. I am blessed that she is part of my world. She makes me laugh and smile every day. That is a priceless gift.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Self-Injury Behavior

Self-injury is deliberate, self-effected, low-lethality bodily harm of a socially unacceptable nature, carried out to reduce psychological distress.
Self-injury is a means that some people use to cope with their pain. Some of the more common forms of self-injury are:
interfering with healing wounds
self hitting
head banging
It is usually younger people that use this form of coping (13-24 yrs.) and they do it for a variety of reasons. It could be:
-family issues
-physical and/or sexual abuse
-school/peer issues
-Alexithymia (difficulty identifying and describing emotional experiences)
-low serotonin (negative mood, low impulse, anxiety)
-an addiction to the endorphins released when pain is experienced
-low cortisol levels(making the person more sensitive to stress)
-how a person interprets events
-making assumptions
-self-defeating,critical attitude
As you can see there are many factors that can contribute to a person's pain. A person who self-injures may have many or only one, it is their ability to cope with the factors that is the issue. A person who self-injures is not usually suicidal, they are looking for a way to release the pain that they are feeling. If you know someone who self-injures, it is important to ask them if they are suicidal, just in case. Here are some warning signs that someone is self-injuring:
-frequent injuries (cuts, bruises, burns) with suspicious explanations
-wearing pants and long sleeves in warm weather (to cover injuries)
-wearing bangles, bracelets, and wristbands (to cover injuries)
-low self esteem
-difficulty handling emotions, easily overwhelmed
-extremely sensitive to rejection
There are many warning signs, this is just the top few. What to do if you suspect someone that you know or care about is using self-injury to cope with life, encourage them to get help. Do not react in a disgusted, negative manner. Be supportive and encourage them to seek professional help.
Thursday, October 1, 2009

What a great week this has been. I realize that I haven't been away from Kung Fu for very long ( 1 1/2 weeks ) but it sure felt like a super long time. It was great to be back. When I first arrived on Monday evening, it was hot and sweaty and noisy in the kwoon, I took a deep breathe and my whole body relaxed. It was a great evening of forms and running the gaunlet for the brave ones. Tuesday was another great day. I met with Sifu Brinker (which is always uplifting), helped with the kids class and attended San Shou. We worked our butts off in San Shou doing drills with partners and the focus shields, it felt great to really sweat again. Wednesday dawned bright and early and I was off to the morning class. My muscle were reminding me that 1 1/2 weeks on the couch was not acceptable. We did more bag work, this time focusing on our sound focus while doing kicks. It was interesting when I concentrated on controlling my sound focus how much more of an impact it had on my kicks and on my awareness. I think that my sound focus was just on automatic before, now it feels like something. After class, I was off to the park to review techniques and enjoy the sunshine. Kung Fu is so great outside, I always feel so in touch with the earth when I am out there. After supper, Katie and I headed out to Onoway to teach some choke defenses. One of our assignments from the leadership seminar was to chose a technique, make a teaching plan and execute it ( preferable with students you don't know as well ). So that is what we did last night. We were both a bit nervous but we had fun and the students seem to have a good time too. I am off to help with kids class again tonight and I am sure that it will be a good time.
That was my week in a nut shell. I am feeling better but still need to watch myself a bit as my lungs haven't quite healed yet. I don't think that I take my Kung Fu for granted but when I have a break (big or small), I definitely appreciate how much it enhances my life when I return.
334 days to grading.
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