My training is going well. I have been spending a lot of time in the park and that is a fabulous place to do Kung Fu. I have also tried Tai Chi in the park and it is amazing. I have tried it outside before, in my yard, but in the park, surrounded by trees and grass and all that stuff, it is amazing. I felt like my Chi was humming the whole time and I really felt in touch with the earth. I think that I will continue to practice outside as long as the weather permits.
My Kung Fu feels good as well. I continue to move forward, one step at a time. I participated in the demo this weekend and it was a lot of fun. It isn't something that I have ever imagined myself doing and it was totally outside my comfort zone, but I enjoyed it anyways. It was fun practicing with a group of people, it felt neat to represent Silent River, and once the demo started, it was all about Kung Fu. I didn't even think of the people watching, only of doing a good job and staying with my team mates.
I have been spending some quality time with some of my classmates, doing forms, reviewing technique, discussing combinations. It is such a blast to hang out with like minded people, laughing and trying stuff out on each other and taking risks and helping each other. I feel truely blessed to have these people in my life.
My at home training is going well too. I have developed a new routine to exclude work for a few weeks and I seem to be settleing in to it. I thought it would be easy to train and not have to worry about going to work, but it was a bit of a struggle at first. I really had to push myself to get started and to follow a routine. When I have limited time, I just get it done. When I have all day, I have to create a structure so that I don't wasted time and put off what needs to get done. It has been a learning process.
At the Kwoon, I feel the support and encouragement from everyone, each time that I train there. It feels absolutely fabulous. I am not sure how I could have not noticed it before, I guess I had my blinders on. I am very glad that I opened my eyes.
So, that is what has been happening with me for the last couple of weeks. I will be reviewing my goals this week and posting how that is coming along.
We got a new puppy, her name is Sadie, and soon there will be pictures for all to see how adorable she is.
Have a great week.
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