Sunday, November 23, 2008

I have no idea what to write this week, I am all over the place with respect to my goals. Some are going really well and seem to be getting easier and others continue to be a struggle.
I did the math for my 100 day challenge the other day and realized that although I have been sick and injured, I can still reach my push up goal and if I push hard I can reach my sit up goal. The kick goal and the forms did not fair as well in the numbers due to injury and frustration. I am hoping to meet at least half of my numbers goal for these two.
I am not journaling as much as I would like, I don't seem to have enough time in the day. I am thinking about journaling often but it is just not happening lately.
I am following the Body for Life program and I am really enjoying it. I am enjoying seeing the muscles build and I feel really good on the food plan. There is something about eating six times a day that just speaks to my soul. I have completed two weeks and I feel really confident that I can continue to follow this program for a long time. Of course, this is part of why I don't have as much time for all my goals. Instead of running, I am swimming for my cardio workouts, and that takes a bit more time than strapping on my runners. I am thoroughly enjoying it and have mastered moving meditation without banging my head on the edge of the pool.
I am reading about peace in times of war and have discovered that this cute little book fits in my purse. So now I can easily take it where ever I go.
I love that I was given the opportunity to create my own goals. It has given me ownership and a drive that I didn't know that I possessed. I am working on my goals every minute of every day and I think that was part of the purpose of this exercise. I feel like I am improving my whole self to be a great martial artist.


Tania Brinker said...

Keep working at it! It is good to see you feeling good about your training. And that makes me feel good to work with you.

Sihing Wilson

Claire Finnamore said...

I'm glad you're still in the running for the pushups and situps. Half the kicks and forms is still great work too.