It is amazing that something so small (my baby toe) can provide so much learning. I am having trouble pivoting on my right foot because of the broken toe. This has made me curious about how I do pivot on my left foot and how I might be able to modify it until my toe heals. Well, I have discovered that I am not satisfied with my pivot and I am pivoting too soon to produce power (especially in my side heel thrust). So all week I have been working on the timing and form of my kick and it looks like it might be improving a bit. It is interesting to break it down into separate parts and then put it back together. I am developing my eye for detail and I am also learning what it feels like to do it right so I can improve my at home training.
It is amazing the amount of learning and growing that occurs throughout a person's martial arts career. I keep thinking that I am done, what more could I learn and then something else pops up.
Learning Kung Fu is probably one of the coolest things that I have ever been a part of.
Wait.....there's more.....
I started the Body for Life program and I am very excited about it. I have dreamed about changing my body but I was never sure how to go about it. I now have the tools, the desire and the ability to make the changes that I want. I am encouraged by the changes that I see in the people around me who are also following the program. The visible changes are not ones that I would have expected (before I read the book), I am seeing confidence and focus in more than one area of their lives. I am seeing them accomplish things that they always considered pipe dreams. I am encouraged and inspired by these people and I am excited to embark on this part of my journey. Here are my goals for the next 12 weeks:
1. In 12 weeks, I will see muscle change.
2.In 12 weeks, I will lose 20 lbs.
3.In 12 weeks, I will increase my energy.
4.In 12 weeks, I will stick with the program every day.
5.In 12 weeks, I will tell others about the program.
I think that this is the first step in accomplishing my body image goal for my black belt and it feels good.