Well, I was hoping to report that I handled my week with dignity and grace but I am not so sure that happened. I attended some training that I don't enjoy, facilitated by a person that is very difficult to be around and I am not too terribly proud of how I reacted to the situation. I know that no matter what I do, it will not change the opinion of the person running the training, so I guess my focus should be in acting in a manner in which I can respect myself. I'll need to keep working on that!

Katie finished Grade 9 this week and will begin her High School journey on Monday, when she begins summer school. I hope that we are ready for this! I want to protect her from all the negative aspects of being around teenagers all day long, but I know that she needs to experience life if she is going to grow. I hope that I can help her deal with her obstacles with dignity and respect.
I lost my dear Kiddog on Friday, he had a heart attack and died. I will miss him a great deal, he has a been a strong silent presence in my life for nearly ten years. I imagine that he is running through grassy fields with his brother, no longer inhibited by arthritis or old age :)