Friday, January 27, 2012
Before the Banquet...After the Banquet
Of course, I have goals and plans for the coming year but it doesn't seem like I will be ready to begin with those until after Saturday.
Today I can say that have experienced that moment in time where everything is as it should be. When I was on the stage last night, either huddled in the corner with my team awaiting my turn or performing, I was in the moment. It is such a pure feeling, I am still so overwhelmed by the experience that thinking about it brings a tear to my eye. Everything was perfect, the feelings, the comments, the actions, the people. What an incredible feeling.
I am fully ready for all that the Year of the Dragon has to offer.
Sifu Kichko
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Year of the Dragon!

Did you know that....
-It is considered lucky to be born in the year of the dragon
-People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be smart, energetic, ambitious and passionate, extroverted
-Martin Luther King Jr was born in the Year of the Dragon
-Dragons are creative people, often bursting with ideas and intention
-John Lennon was born in the Year of the Dragon
-The dragon is the most auspicious and powerful of the 12 signs of the zodiac, one associated with high energy and prosperity. It's also the only mythical creature in the Chinese astrological stable that includes horses, rats and pigs. This year is considered especially auspicious because it is the year of the water dragon, something that happens once every 60 years
Water Dragons – Years 1952 and 2012
Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow other’s to become involved.
I have been completely fascinated by the dragon since the first time that I saw it. I remember that Sifu Brinker told us that in the year of the dragon we would have a Dragon Dance Team and unveil the dragon at that time, at the time I wondered if I would have the opportunity to be a part of such a team. I am happy to say that that dream has come true. This new year will present so many opportunities for me and I am looking forward to each and every one of them.
Life doesn't get any better than this! I love the dragon and I'm on the dragon dance team to celebrate the year of the dragon!!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I would like to introduce the newest member of my family, Rascal. In the third week of October, one of my work mates mentioned that she knew someone who knew someone who found 5 small kittens in a trash bag. The young person heard the babies crying and investigated. I volunteered to take one home. He was adorable (well, we did think that he was a girl for the first few days and were calling him Molly!) and he fit in my hand, he weighed half a pound. We had to do everything for him that his mom would have and then some. We bought milk replacer, my friend lent us a kitten baby bottle, we filled bottles with hot water for warmth, put our ticking alarm clock by his bed so he wouldn't feel lonely, changed his bed twice or three times a day, washed him (only cat that I have ever met that doesn't mind a nice warm bath), cuddled him, held him and loved him.
Rascal is currently about 4 and a half pounds and in his fourth month of life. I think that he is going to make it.
I have been reminded in the last few weeks, how much I love having a cat in my life. He loves to cuddle (even if you are trying to type, it doesn't bother him), he will play with anything that moves (pencils and knitting needles included) and most recently has taken to stealing shining objects (such as hair clips). He makes me laugh at least once a day, especially when he is trying to wrap his little paws around a decidedly bigger boxer head. Ahhhh....cats are good.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Questions, Answers

Have you ever worked so hard for something that you have put your everything into it? And then along that same journey, you often wonder, 'Am I ever going to get there?' I have. I am living it. Now my goal is very close and it feels kind of surreal, is this really happening? How am I supposed to feel? Where do I go from here? What is my everyday going to look like?
It seems like all I have is questions, this is good right? I don't ever want to feel like, 'ahhh, I made it!' and stop working towards mastery. I always want to have questions, not the same questions, just questions. How does this work? How can I make it better? What do I need to pay attention to today to make this the best day ever? If I saw me on the street, is that someone who I would want to be friends with? If I saw me practicing kung fu, is that someone that I would aspire to be? If I saw me fund-raising and increasing awareness, would that encourage me to do that as well?
These are the questions that run through my head on a regular basis, so that I can be a better me. My ultimate goal is to be a great martial artist, regardless of the belt that I am wearing.
So here I am, working hard everyday to improve me and doing the hardest thing for me, being patient!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year
I was hoping to add some wisdom here but none is coming to me. So stay true to yourself and stay strong..
Sihing Kichko