A Black Belt is someone that I look up to, someone who has set high personal goals and worked hard to attain them. A black belt is a role model, they must act as if their every action is being scrutinized. They must be a positive participant in their community, be it raising money for charity or volunteering. A black belt is strong, mentally and physically. They are good teachers, they can transfer their passoin for Kung Fu to their students. Black belts are friendly and approachable. They are encouraging and good leaders, they are also very good listeners. They make time for their students and are empathetic to their challenges. They are understanding as well because they remember what it was like to learn something new.
I have some obstacles to overcome. I am easily discouraged when obstacles seem too big, this is temporary. Once I have re-assessed and figured out a new way then I try again. I am a procrastinator, especially if I am unsure of myself or my abilities. I will leave tasks or assignments to the last possible minute. Ironically, I know that if I started earlier, then I would have a better outcome. This does not always change the behavior. I also lack self confidence; I use self talk and try to keep my thoughts positive but I don't always believe in myself. This is one of those deep down, not really sure how to make a permanent change, kind of things. When I meet new people, they often say that I appear very confident. I think that I over-compensate, sometimes, I can fool myself.
I like helping others. I enjoy teaching, giving advice and guidance. If I don't know the answer to a question then I will figure out where to get the answer. I try to understand other people's obstacles by relating them to my own. I am a very hard worker and I am determined to achieve my goals. When one of my strategies is not working then I re-assess and try again. I am loyal and honest. I try to be supportive to everyone in my world; my family, my friends. my co-workers and my Kung Fu family. I am kind to people that I meet on the street and I am kind to my environment. I like helping people when they are struggling with their grocery cart or dropping their stuff as they go to their car. I also like to help look after our world, I pick up garbage where ever I see it and don't ever litter myself. I think if we all do a little it will add up to a lot. I try to never be too busy to continue these habits.